Well I know a few on here have been very vocal about the police investigation and subsequent charging of JDB with rape. I was even perplexed with some of the decision making at the time between the Police and the DPP . Well I can now reveal that there had been a internal investigation after the matter did not proceed and an investigator has now been criminally charge under the provisions of the Crimes Act 1900, Section 327, Perjury. If the officer is found guilty the maximum penalty is 10 years imprisonment.
(1) Any person who in or in connection with any judicial proceeding makes any false statement on oath concerning any matter which is material to the proceeding, knowing the statement to be false or not believing it to be true, is guilty of perjury. Sometimes justice moves very slowly
(1) Any person who in or in connection with any judicial proceeding makes any false statement on oath concerning any matter which is material to the proceeding, knowing the statement to be false or not believing it to be true, is guilty of perjury. Sometimes justice moves very slowly