Dragons Lair Information


SGI Jersey Flegg
Looks like there are 4 Couchman brothers according to wikipedia: Ryan, Toby, Harvy and Fletcher, Fletcher was the one that got a mention. I can see Fletcher played 5/8 for U14's last year and Halfback for U15's this year.. so yeah I guess he is a future signing :p


SGI Jersey Flegg
Looks like there are 4 Couchman brothers according to wikipedia: Ryan, Toby, Harvy and Fletcher, Fletcher was the one that got a mention. I can see Fletcher played 5/8 for U14's last year and Halfback for U15's this year.. so yeah I guess he is a future signing :p
U-14s? So we shouldn't expect him to push for first grade next year. Damn🤬.

Just a Mug Fan

SGI Jersey Flegg
Talking to the man today, tomorrow's game is a sell out and last round heading to it too. Sponsors wise we have filled all spots for next year and looking at other ways to get more on board.
COE will start soon, the problem huts are currently occupied by a daycare centre and we looking to take over them and add them to training areas.
We are currently in negotiations with NRL to get Cody excluded from the top 30 roster for next year.