Where did Anthony Griffin go so wrong?


I had high hopes when he came aboard. An experienced campaigner after the disastrous stints of the McGregor and Price. What went wrong?
  • It was already a very experienced pack but he went ahead and signed several veterans.
  • Favoured his old Broncos right until the end. Literally after his idiotic hooking of Sullivan.
  • Most players haven't improved playing under him. In fact, most have digressed.


I had high hopes when he came aboard. An experienced campaigner after the disastrous stints of the McGregor and Price. What went wrong?
  • It was already a very experienced pack but he went ahead and signed several veterans.
  • Favoured his old Broncos right until the end. Literally after his idiotic hooking of Sullivan.
  • Most players haven't improved playing under him. In fact, most have digressed.
His selections have been increasingly bizarre. Reached the point where even outsiders who don't know much about the Dragons are scratching their heads.


I had high hopes when he came aboard. An experienced campaigner after the disastrous stints of the McGregor and Price. What went wrong?
  • It was already a very experienced pack but he went ahead and signed several veterans.
  • Favoured his old Broncos right until the end. Literally after his idiotic hooking of Sullivan.
  • Most players haven't improved playing under him. In fact, most have digressed.
Never seen more obvious examples of favouritism. If some players sneezed they were dropped while others were never in danger no matter how badly they played or how often they played badly.

Over the 2.5 years there have been many examples but recently the Mbye-Liddle situation has everyone scratching their heads.

56 years a dragon fan

SGI Junior League
Where did he go wrong , don't blame him , the imbeciles that extended his contract before a ball was kicked, should put their hands in their pockets and pay him out ......
Every club in the comp builds a stacked team but Dragons don't need to recruit new players : we're building a winning culture ( tell 'em they're dreamin'). Shame on you Dragons - don't blame the coach.


Every club in the comp builds a stacked team but Dragons don't need to recruit new players : we're building a winning culture ( tell 'em they're dreamin'). Shame on you Dragons - don't blame the coach.
Where did he go wrong , don't blame him , the imbeciles that extended his contract before a ball was kicked, should put their hands in their pockets and pay him out ......
Failure from top to bottom, including the coach, IMO. If they appoint Hornby or Young...... I can't see the point of following them anymore. I will but less seriously. Board don't take it seriously so why should I?

I don't like but can live with appointing Ryles.


SGI Jersey Flegg
I had high hopes when he came aboard. An experienced campaigner after the disastrous stints of the McGregor and Price. What went wrong?
  • It was already a very experienced pack but he went ahead and signed several veterans.
  • Favoured his old Broncos right until the end. Literally after his idiotic hooking of Sullivan.
  • Most players haven't improved playing under him. In fact, most have digressed.
All the old veterans aside, his recruitment was really difficult to understand. Why did he recruit Mbye? Dragons are still paying him between 400~500k.


SGI Jersey Flegg
Failure from top to bottom, including the coach, IMO. If they appoint Hornby or Young...... I can't see the point of following them anymore. I will but less seriously. Board don't take it seriously so why should I?

I don't like but can live with appointing Ryles.
Mate I can see it coming ....... Hope I'm wrong .......


SGI Junior League
I have it on good authority that it all went pear-shaped some 56 years ago in Rockhampton Queensland....................sorry, just had to...........


I have it on good authority that it all went pear-shaped some 56 years ago in Rockhampton Queensland....................sorry, just had to...........
That's when his personality problems started but at the Dragons, his coaching ability feel off a cliff as well.


One thing we can be happy about. Finally the team and club won't be in the news this week for all the wrong reasons. In hindsight, it's incredible it took this long to sack him.