Round 1 Titans v Dragons


Some good news, my neighbour is involved in the Titans football club in a managerial position and told me their tale of woe. Two of their strike players will definitely not be pulling on the boots against us in round 1 which I will be sitting in the grandstand to watch, both Fifita and Campbell. I passed on to him my commiserations and had a couple of cold ones.


Some good news, my neighbour is involved in the Titans football club in a managerial position and told me their tale of woe. Two of their strike players will definitely not be pulling on the boots against us in round 1 which I will be sitting in the grandstand to watch, both Fifita and Campbell. I passed on to him my commiserations and had a couple of cold ones.
But will probably still win which will make the loss even worse.


But will probably still win which will make the loss even worse.
I give us a better chance today than I did yesterday. First game of the season under a new coach. I think its pretty even especially if we can beat the Rabbits NSW Cup team in the charity shield next week. Confidence will be high.


I give us a better chance today than I did yesterday. First game of the season under a new coach. I think its pretty even especially if we can beat the Rabbits NSW Cup team in the charity shield next week. Confidence will be high.
If the team is as being reported, I think out of the 34 players in the squads, they will have about 14 of the 17 fastest.


So in reality if nobody is injured or falls out of favour our run on team against the Titans which I have a ticket to watch should look similar to this:

1. Sloan
2. Lomax
3. Suli
4. Bird
5. Rav
6. Flanagan
7. Hunt (cpt)
8. Lawrie
9. Liddle
10. F Molo
11. Leilua
12. Su'a
13. JDB

Any thoughts on how competitive this starting 13 will be? Or does anyone believe that won't be our starting 13?


So in reality if nobody is injured or falls out of favour our run on team against the Titans which I have a ticket to watch should look similar to this:

1. Sloan
2. Lomax
3. Suli
4. Bird
5. Rav
6. Flanagan
7. Hunt (cpt)
8. Lawrie
9. Liddle
10. F Molo
11. Leilua
12. Su'a
13. JDB

Any thoughts on how competitive this starting 13 will be? Or does anyone believe that won't be our starting 13?
Pack is an improvement on last year.

Just a Mug Fan

SGI Jersey Flegg
So in reality if nobody is injured or falls out of favour our run on team against the Titans which I have a ticket to watch should look similar to this:

1. Sloan
2. Lomax
3. Suli
4. Bird
5. Rav
6. Flanagan
7. Hunt (cpt)
8. Lawrie
9. Liddle
10. F Molo
11. Leilua
12. Su'a
13. JDB

Any thoughts on how competitive this starting 13 will be? Or does anyone believe that won't be our starting 13?
Pretty much last years 13.
Weaker at 6 stronger at 11.
Our bench and fitness is where the improvement is.
If we don't leak points in the middle of the game our fitness will keep us in the contest. Biggest issue is where the points will come from.



Pretty much last years 13.
Weaker at 6 stronger at 11.
Our bench and fitness is where the improvement is.
If we don't leak points in the middle of the game our fitness will keep us in the contest. Biggest issue is where the points will come from.
Agree what is going on with Flanagan and Lomax?


I think this will be the round 1 team if Lawrie is fit. Those rib cartilage things are like sprained ankles or hamstring injuries. They can hang around, be 75% better for a long time.
  1. Sloan
  2. Lomax:mad:
  3. Suli
  4. Bird🤬
  5. Rava
  6. Flannagan
  7. Hunt
  8. Lawrie
  9. Liddle
  10. Molo
  11. Su'a
  12. RFM
  13. JDB

  14. Muhleisen
  15. Sele
  16. Leilua
  17. Fifita
The team I'd like to see:
  1. Sloan
  2. Finau
  3. Suli
  4. Lomax
  5. Rava
  6. Flanagan
  7. Hunt
  8. Lawrie
  9. Liddle
  10. Molo
  11. Su'a
  12. RFM
  13. JDB

  14. Bird (coming on for 20min at hooker to give Liddle a rest)
  15. Leilua
  16. Couchman
  17. Couchman
Tough call for Sele and Eisenhuth but they will get a chance soon enough.


I think this will be the round 1 team if Lawrie is fit. Those rib cartilage things are like sprained ankles or hamstring injuries. They can hang around, be 75% better for a long time.
  1. Sloan
  2. Lomax:mad:
  3. Suli
  4. Bird🤬
  5. Rava
  6. Flannagan
  7. Hunt
  8. Lawrie
  9. Liddle
  10. Molo
  11. Su'a
  12. RFM
  13. JDB

  14. Muhleisen
  15. Sele
  16. Leilua
  17. Fifita
The team I'd like to see:
  1. Sloan
  2. Finau
  3. Suli
  4. Lomax
  5. Rava
  6. Flanagan
  7. Hunt
  8. Lawrie
  9. Liddle
  10. Molo
  11. Su'a
  12. RFM
  13. JDB

  14. Bird (coming on for 20min at hooker to give Liddle a rest)
  15. Leilua
  16. Couchman
  17. Couchman
Tough call for Sele and Eisenhuth but they will get a chance soon enough.
I like your team but I think Sele is a tried and true NRL player. He will get first crack before one of the Couchmans. That will leave an interesting last choice on the bench. Clubs usually go with 2 props starting and 2 on the bench. So Eisenhuth might miss out to Fifita or one of the Couchmans. Or the plan could be to give JDB a rest and then bring him back on as a prop allowing RFM or Leilua to play lock. I think Flanno will go with Fifita or one of the Couchmans and Eisenhuth 18th man.


SGI Jersey Flegg
This is team IMHO barring any injuries for Rd 1

14 Marschke / Muhleisen depends on Liddle's injury who he goes for, Liddle need to improve his fitness to play longer minutes
15 RFM
16 Sele
17 Luch

18 MMolo Flanno "trusts" him, came on to replace Lawrie, when he got injured and he was in jersey 18
19. MFeagai has utilised him a fair bit can cover 1,2,3
20 VFifita needs some game time in KOE cup, give him big minutes, he will play a part later on the season if he develops and improves


So Lawrie has a rib cartridge injury. I know medicine and recovery techniques have come along leaps and bounds since my day but gee whiz throwing a prop into a game less than 2 weeks away against a Titans bookends including Fa'asuamaleaui, Fotuaka and Palasia is a very big call. In my personal experience if I was coaching it's a No. Same with Liddle hammy strain again No. I bet they both start and if I've learnt anything in my 50 yrs involved in the game you simply cannot carry injured players into a 1st grade game. I'll be very interested to see what the mindset is with the selection of the 1st round team now.


SGI Jersey Flegg
So Lawrie has a rib cartridge injury. I know medicine and recovery techniques have come along leaps and bounds since my day but gee whiz throwing a prop into a game less than 2 weeks away against a Titans bookends including Fa'asuamaleaui, Fotuaka and Palasia is a very big call. In my personal experience if I was coaching it's a No. Same with Liddle hammy strain again No. I bet they both start and if I've learnt anything in my 50 yrs involved in the game you simply cannot carry injured players into a 1st grade game. I'll be very interested to see what the mindset is with the selection of the 1st round team now.
flanno will want a "fast" start, they will play if they're able to


flanno will want a "fast" start, they will play if they're able to
Ok just my opinion. If they hit Lawrie in the right spot in the heat of the battle early he won't last without a painkilling injection. In saying that if he needs one pre game then dont even select him. Based on my own experiences as a player and coach albeit not 1st grade.


Why would you want to chance it in the 1st round? I thought our NSW Cup team went very well flogging the Magpies. I honestly believe we have great depth this year than we have had for the last 5 yrs especially in the forwards