Round 25: St George Illawarra v Melbourne Storm


Are you related to him
Nah, just feel the need to defend him when everyone else crucifies him, much of the time when it is not his fault but that of our inept sliding defense leaving him with too much for one man to handle on both sides of the field. But because he is the the last line of defense HE COPS THE FLACK.

Chris M

Nah, just feel the need to defend him when everyone else crucifies him, much of the time when it is not his fault but that of our inept sliding defense leaving him with too much for one man to handle on both sides of the field. But because he is the the last line of defense HE COPS THE FLACK.
But that "attempted tackle" on their winger Warbrick, both he and Amone was just silly. Not only let in the try but surely demoralised teammates.


First 10 mins Hunt for some unknown reason ignored two CCs, one from a blatant Harry Grant strip and the second a ball spilled by the Storm half which bounced into Max Feagais noggin. Astoundingly the ref called us for a knock on, three plays later they had their first four pointer.


But that "attempted tackle" on their winger
Where was our bloody winger and centre when this bloke was hurtling towards the whitewash, missing in action. Both Amone and Sloan made decent attempts to stop him, tho admittedly Sloan needed to go lower. Lacks confidence in one on ones, but I can see big improvement with a committed defense coach and some more meat and muscle on that scrawny body.


Amone is also a big concern.
In what way. He is far better in offense and defense this season. Junior is an improvisor much like Sloan and both can hurt even an organized defense. Still reckon his future is out of the halves, for Sloan. Hoping Flanagan sees it too.

Chris M

Where was our bloody winger and centre when this bloke was hurtling towards the whitewash, missing in action. Both Amone and Sloan made decent attempts to stop him, tho admittedly Sloan needed to go lower. Lacks confidence in one on ones, but I can see big improvement with a committed defense coach and some more meat and muscle on that scrawny body.
Disagree. Looked to me neither wanted to even try. Unless is so dumb that he really thought he didn't need to run at full pace or close to full pace to get into position for the tackle. And Sloan jumped up, glanced him with a slap in the face. Made no attempt to make a tackle.

But I agree regarding the Feagais. Both of them. I'm done with them. When they aren't out of position, they simply miss the tackles.

Chris M

What should be demoralising team mates is Feagai and Rava's inability to stay on their wing, leaving gaps for opposition wingmen to stroll into. To me those are coach killing moments that should not be tolerated.
Agree. It's mind-boggling how it happens week after week.


You guys love having a crack at sloans defense but rarely give him any praise for his offense. With ball in hand he has a happy knack of making things happen, reason I reckon he'd be a natural in the halves. Take his try, orchestrated by him not Hunt as he knew precisely when he wanted the pill popped to him. A very clever piece of play by a man with vision.

Chris M

You guys love having a crack at sloans defense but rarely give him any praise for his offense. With ball in hand he has a happy knack of making things happen, reason I reckon he'd be a natural in the halves. Take his try, orchestrated by him not Hunt as he knew precisely when he wanted the pill popped to him. A very clever piece of play by a man with vision.
He's by far our No.1 weapon in attack. if he can fix his defence, he might become the superstar we hoped he would a few years back. If he can't, I think he'll spend next year in the NSW Cup and then follow Duff to the ESL. Reports I've gotten is that Duff's defence is coping flak even in the ESL.


I think he'll spend next year in the NSW Cup
Nah, not once Flanagan and Dan Lawson get into him in the off season. One thing is certain we need a new defense coach as this one needs a seeing eye dog. Not only Sloan and Amone need vigorous defensive drills but most of the 17 too. No doubt defense has been our achillees heel for two years.

Chris M

Nah, not once Flanagan and Dan Lawson get into him in the off season. One thing is certain we need a new defense coach as this one needs a seeing eye dog. Not only Sloan and Amone need vigorous defensive drills but most of the 17 too. No doubt defense has been our achillees heel for two years.
I hope and think you are right regarding fixing Sloan's defence. All off season he's going to have Suli, Lomax and Rava running at him with the goal of running straight over him.