The Australian Kangaroos.

Chris M


Click next vid when one finishes.. three Tests three locals. Enjoy.
Watching this took me back to those lost 'Roo tours and a League trip down memory lane.

Someone posted video of games featuring Reg Gasnier, Raper and etc a while ago. It was amazing how much the game has changed. But not so much for this game compared to now.


Guys some rare footage of the 1982 INVINCIBLES tour. I too havent seen this so a big treat for me. I mentioned watching live the HKR match in northern England when a group of us Aussies were on a driving tour of the Old Dart. It is the first game on tour on the video. Craig Young scoring the first tour try too.
Sorry about the quality and the Pommie tour narrator/host.

Bummer no Tests. Think there is a link to them on an earlier vid.
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