We Are A Basket Case.


SGI Jersey Flegg
We really need to start a push to force changes on the board and FO. Not catchy slogans on signs or protests, it needs to be a serious campaign.

I let my membership lapse years ago so don't have good knowledge of the rules, but the members of the FC need to agitate, force an extraordinary general meeting and call no confidence in the FC board whilever they support the status quo.

We need to draw out high profile supporters like John Howard, Graham Richardson, Morris Iemma and media supporters like Andrew Webster, Tony Squires and Lara Pitt to add their voices and use their platforms or vackground influence to bring change.

I think Mark Coyne could be a possible choice for board or CEO. A former club captain, SOO legend and Kangaroo, he's had extensive high level business experience as well as stints on the NRL judiciary and ARLC, some saying he was destined to be the next chair until his unfortunate drunken incident in Singapore in 2019. He has the rare combination of football, business and administration experience and wouldn't be a pushover for the board. Enough time has passed.


We really need to start a push to force changes on the board and FO. Not catchy slogans on signs or protests, it needs to be a serious campaign.

I let my membership lapse years ago so don't have good knowledge of the rules, but the members of the FC need to agitate, force an extraordinary general meeting and call no confidence in the FC board whilever they support the status quo.

We need to draw out high profile supporters like John Howard, Graham Richardson, Morris Iemma and media supporters like Andrew Webster, Tony Squires and Lara Pitt to add their voices and use their platforms or vackground influence to bring change.

I think Mark Coyne could be a possible choice for board or CEO. A former club captain, SOO legend and Kangaroo, he's had extensive high level business experience as well as stints on the NRL judiciary and ARLC, some saying he was destined to be the next chair until his unfortunate drunken incident in Singapore in 2019. He has the rare combination of football, business and administration experience and wouldn't be a pushover for the board. Enough time has passed.
Unfortunately Mark Coyne had that episode in..... I think Thailand where he had one or two too many, got in an argument with the cops and is said to have hurled some racist abuse. I think that rules him out.


Seems FO has gone back to Flanagan as he is seen as the lesser of two evils, less likely than Des to step on the Board's toes. But I am baffled why they are now looking at the man they let leave only months ago, presumably as he was not being considered as our future head coach. Could say FO face will be be covered in egg if they appoint him. What a schemozzle.


Hunt is expected to meet with his agent this week as he grows increasingly concerned about whether he made the correct call to re commit to the club. There is no doubt the Bulldogs are waiting in the wings and ready to pounce having had chats with Hunt when he was a free to sign with rival clubs last year.

Mr Ego sooking again. He just wont accept that he is part of the problem having been signed for an obscene amount of money and rarely living up to it. Gould you are welcome to him.
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SGI Jersey Flegg
Hunt is expected to meet with his agent this week as he grows increasingly concerned about the plight of the club. There is no doubt the Bulldogs are waiting in the wings and ready to pounce having had chats with Hunt when he was a free to sign with rival clubs last year.

Mr Ego sooking again. He just wont accept that he is part of the problem having been signed for an obscene amount of money and rarely living up to it. Gould you are welcome to him.
Let's just hold fire and wait until something is confirmed. So far it's just media speculation. After what he has been paid and what he has done for that pay, he should be all in, 100% loyal to the Dragons.


SGI Jersey Flegg
Hunt is expected to meet with his agent this week as he grows increasingly concerned about the plight of the club. There is no doubt the Bulldogs are waiting in the wings and ready to pounce having had chats with Hunt when he was a free to sign with rival clubs last year.

Mr Ego sooking again. He just wont accept that he is part of the problem having been signed for an obscene amount of money and rarely living up to it. Gould you are welcome to him.
X2 as you and I have said before , part of the problem as well ..... Good individual player but not a true 7 ......


Will Flanno want to return after being shown the door only a few months back. Obviously FO has had its hand forced over the Ryles debacle so are desperate to tie up a head coach, preferably now one with experience.
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On a brighter note, I like what Carr is doing with the selections. Finally holding everyone accountable. A few comments:
  • Billy Burns..... just not a very good player but at least he tackles for 80min. I'd keep him.
  • Amone..... I think Sullivan offered more in attack and it seems his defence is much better. Maybe give Amone some time at centre or fullback in reserve grade.
  • Can't Liddle stay on for longer?
  • Swap Couchman and BMM in the 17.
  • Sorry to say this but time for Sloan to go back to reserve grade. In the 3 games since Hook was hooked, he's been even worse.
  • Not sure what to do about Jack Bird. In the 17?

Chris M

On a brighter note, I like what Carr is doing with the selections. Finally holding everyone accountable. A few comments:
  • Billy Burns..... just not a very good player but at least he tackles for 80min. I'd keep him.
  • Amone..... I think Sullivan offered more in attack and it seems his defence is much better. Maybe give Amone some time at centre or fullback in reserve grade.
  • Can't Liddle stay on for longer?
  • Swap Couchman and BMM in the 17.
  • Sorry to say this but time for Sloan to go back to reserve grade. In the 3 games since Hook was hooked, he's been even worse.
  • Not sure what to do about Jack Bird. In the 17?
I hope Bird isn't recalled until he shows an 80min commitment to tackling in reserve grade.