2023 resolutions


Before everyone gets too drunk, and I know it's probably already too late to say that to JoDragon, let me wish you a happy new year. As for new year resolutions, anyone want to share? I have a few things not really anything I want to share on a public forum or but pretty unoriginal. Eat healthier food. Not even really "healthier" but less sugar. When I go down to buy milk, don't buy that donut at the same time. When I drink coffee, whittle the sugar down to a small tea spoon full rather than a large one. I've already pretty much cut breakfast cereal out of my diet so that will help.

As for St George, try to relax a little more. I think 2023 is going to be difficult again but I feel things will get better as the season progresses and maybe we can go places in 2024.


Before everyone gets too drunk, and I know it's probably already too late to say that to JoDragon, let me wish you a happy new year. As for new year resolutions, anyone want to share? I have a few things not really anything I want to share on a public forum or but pretty unoriginal. Eat healthier food. Not even really "healthier" but less sugar. When I go down to buy milk, don't buy that donut at the same time. When I drink coffee, whittle the sugar down to a small tea spoon full rather than a large one. I've already pretty much cut breakfast cereal out of my diet so that will help.

As for St George, try to relax a little more. I think 2023 is going to be difficult again but I feel things will get better as the season progresses and maybe we can go places in 2024.
  • Drink less alcohol
  • buy BitCoin
  • Don't get so annoyed by Griffin and his ultra conservative selections.


let me wish you a happy new year.
A Happy New Year to all too. I posted this on another thread not knowing Eric Eric had made this thread.
I think the last NY resolution I made was to eat and drink healthier after diagnosed with Diabetes 5 years ago. It worked as I licked it. My previous one was, if memory serves, to give away the smokes. That was in the 90s. What is a constant tho for me every NY day is a wish that the coming year will be better than the last, what with our extreme weather over the past 5/6 years, the terrible situation overseas too with not only wildfires but flooding and earthquakes. This year I am wishing for world peace before we descend into what may be a looming new world conflict. There are just too many tyrants/meglomaniacs running loose and these types are very dangerous when cornered. They cling to power like a limpet to a rock because they are too scared to be anything less.


but less sugar.
Drop the 'white poison' (processed sugar) mate and swap it for natural Stevia. Was the first thing that went after my Diabetes diagnosis. Made here in Aussie as Natvia. Major supermarkets stock it. Economic to use too as you only need say a half teaspoon compared to a full heaped teaspoon of the white poison.


Drop the 'white poison' (processed sugar) mate and swap it for natural Stevia. Was the first thing that went after my Diabetes diagnosis. Made here in Aussie as Natvia. Major supermarkets stock it. Economic to use too as you only need say a half teaspoon compared to a full heaped teaspoon of the white poison.
Is it expensive? I always had the impression these artificial sweeteners were like swapping cigarettes for vaping.
A Happy New Year to all too. I posted this on another thread not knowing Eric Eric had made this thread.
I think the last NY resolution I made was to eat and drink healthier after diagnosed with Diabetes 5 years ago. It worked as I licked it. My previous one was, if memory serves, to give away the smokes. That was in the 90s. What is a constant tho for me every NY day is a wish that the coming year will be better than the last, what with our extreme weather over the past 5/6 years, the terrible situation overseas too with not only wildfires but flooding and earthquakes. This year I am wishing for world peace before we descend into what may be a looming new world conflict. There are just too many tyrants/meglomaniacs running loose and these types are very dangerous when cornered. They cling to power like a limpet to a rock because they are too scared to be anything less.
That's a good one but maybe out of your control.
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Is it expensive? I always had the impression these artificial sweeteners were like swapping cigarettes for vaping.
Yes more than white sugar but as I said you only need to use far less so probably works out a similar cost, My missus buys Natvia when on special. Dont be confusing Stevia with artificial sweeteners as most of those are made in a lab using harmful chemicals.. Stevia or the Aussie produced Natvia is complelety natural being derived from a plant found in the Sth American rain forests. My son is probably about your age and I have coerced him into dumping white poison for Natvia. Said he wont ever use white poison again.
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A Happy New Year to all too. I posted this on another thread not knowing Eric Eric had made this thread.
I think the last NY resolution I made was to eat and drink healthier after diagnosed with Diabetes 5 years ago. It worked as I licked it. My previous one was, if memory serves, to give away the smokes. That was in the 90s. What is a constant tho for me every NY day is a wish that the coming year will be better than the last, what with our extreme weather over the past 5/6 years, the terrible situation overseas too with not only wildfires but flooding and earthquakes. This year I am wishing for world peace before we descend into what may be a looming new world conflict. There are just too many tyrants/meglomaniacs running loose and these types are very dangerous when cornered. They cling to power like a limpet to a rock because they are too scared to be anything less.
Do you have any realistic resolutions regarding our team?


My boy took up far less harmful vaping over smokes.
Well if I can give him any advice, he should do what you did in the 90s and what I did more recently (about 3 years ago) and quit. Don't swap one disgusting but very addictive poison with another. Whether they are less harmful or not is still unknown. But what is absolutely known, not doing either is best.


Seems the chat thread was not a good idea as you blokes dont like talking about yourselves. Lighten up.
I talk about myself as much and as often as possible (joke) but to be honest, I literally don't have any (special new year) resolutions.


Do you have any realistic resolutions regarding our team?
I am hoping that our best juniors get plenty of first grade. But not holding my breath. As for realistic resolutions, no. While the wooden spoon holder and the Dogs put shocking seasons behind them by recruiting fabulously both club officials and players we as one of the other under performers have done the opposite. Kept unwanted officials (coach) and only recruited players other clubs have rejected. So unless we have an injection of youthful talent I can not see us doing any better than the past two years.


A Happy New Year to all too. I posted this on another thread not knowing Eric Eric had made this thread.
I think the last NY resolution I made was to eat and drink healthier after diagnosed with Diabetes 5 years ago. It worked as I licked it. My previous one was, if memory serves, to give away the smokes. That was in the 90s. What is a constant tho for me every NY day is a wish that the coming year will be better than the last, what with our extreme weather over the past 5/6 years, the terrible situation overseas too with not only wildfires but flooding and earthquakes. This year I am wishing for world peace before we descend into what may be a looming new world conflict. There are just too many tyrants/meglomaniacs running loose and these types are very dangerous when cornered. They cling to power like a limpet to a rock because they are too scared to be anything less.
My resolution is to watch a little more one-day and 20-20 cricket. I haven't paid much attention to it for a while until RedVHeartbeat RedVHeartbeat started educating me about the finer points here.(y)


I am hoping that our best juniors get plenty of first grade. But not holding my breath. As for realistic resolutions, no. While the wooden spoon holder and the Dogs put shocking seasons behind them by recruiting fabulously both club officials and players we as one of the other under performers have done the opposite. Kept unwanted officials and only recruited players other clubs have rejected. So unless we have an injection of youthful talent I can not see us doing any better than the past two years.
That's so depressing but so true.......


My resolution is to watch a little more one-day and 20-20 cricket. I haven't paid much attention to it for a while until RedVHeartbeat RedVHeartbeat started educating me about the finer points here.(y)
I want to educate you and others more about Test Cricket as it is far more enthralling than white ball, tho perhaps not as entertaining.


He vapes without the poison these days.
If I could give him any advice, quit. Like cigarettes, vaping is merely a vehicle for moving nicotine, a highly addictive but ultimately poisonous drug. And I don't believe in any patches or anything like that. I have a friend who has tried patches, medicine and all kinds of (expensive) things but can't quit. I just tell him to go cold-turkey.