Footy Quiz.


SGI Jersey Flegg
Josh Ado Parr? Seriously, I'm going to tap out of this one. I have no idea. Only that it's probably someone from the early 80s though that may be merely a ruse meant to throw us off.
How do you know it's from the early 80s and how could it be a ruse?


SGI Jersey Flegg
  • Penfolds Wine were the major sponsors from 1977 to 1995.
  • Black and white photo suggests late 70s or early 80s. Definitely not 1990s.
  • It might be a ruse with Illusion Illusion making the photo black and white to throw us off.
  • It might be black and white for artistic reasons.
Here you go first name Shane ......


Hints are good. Speaking only for myself, I wish hints would be subtle so it's a good challenge. Just my view.

I have an idea for the next one but a little busy today. I'll get it done tomorrow. So until then, anyone else, please have a go.
Nice theory but with only the info I had before the last hint, I'd never have gotten the answer.