
Effing moved the clubs best player and one of the games best locks to bloody prop and the worst player we have to his position. Bird made 52m ,16 tackles in 80 mins of footy on Sunday (pissweak), JDB 120m, 37 tackles plus the time he spent playing the link man in our line, does ever week.


If Lomax is sacked then also sack our chief play maker Hunt (ha ha) whose job it is to add structure to our attack and provide clean and early ball to our three quarters.. Despite this lack of ball Lomax averages 133m every match, breaks the line 13 times, plus has the ability to make something out of nothing, doesnt always come off but the effort is there. Shocked to see his goal kicking affectiveness has dropped to 60.5 tho.
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SGI Jersey Flegg
If Lomax is sacked then sack our chief play maker Hunt (ha ha) whose job it is to add structure to our attack and provide clean and early ball to our three quarters. Despite this lack of ball Lomax averages 133m every match, breaks the line 13 times, plus has the ability to make something out of nothing, doesnt always come off but the effort is there. Shocked to see his goal kicking affectiveness has dropped to 60.5.
Apparently was at 78% before Daryl Halligan was brought in to improve his technique. That worked a treat!

Chris M

Apparently was at 78% before Daryl Halligan was brought in to improve his technique. That worked a treat!
Seems like Zac is trying to remain respectful and follow Halligan's advice even though he doesn't like it and feels it doesn't work for him. Hook's job to pull Halligan aside and say, "Your style just isn't working for Zac. Thanks for your help. Unfortunately didn't work out." But he won't. He'll scapegoat Zac instead.


Griffin is aptly named. Gives Jaiyden Hunt one match before hooking him while mind bogglingly keeps our dual logs, Kerr and MM who has made 64m and broken the line once in seven matches despite carrying 118k of bulk. This bloke is a prop, yet this drongo of a coach has played him as an edge back rower. Dropping Liddle for Mbye is also just as mind boggling.


If Lomax is sacked then also sack our chief play maker Hunt (ha ha) whose job it is to add structure to our attack and provide clean and early ball to our three quarters.. Despite this lack of ball Lomax averages 133m every match, breaks the line 13 times, plus has the ability to make something out of nothing, doesnt always come off but the effort is there. Shocked to see his goal kicking affectiveness has dropped to 60.5 tho.
Media people were calling for Hunt to be moved to hooker. We know Hunt doesn't want that so it won't happen under Hook's watch. But Hook decided to go on the offensive and drop Lomax so no one would talk about Hunt. Not that dumb a move for a man whose first loyalty is to Hunt and knows he's going to get sacked.


Has FO finally given Griffin an ultimatum to win the next two/three games or we push you out the door as this is a radical step.


SGI Jersey Flegg
Media people were calling for Hunt to be moved to hooker. We know Hunt doesn't want that so it won't happen under Hook's watch. But Hook decided to go on the offensive and drop Lomax so no one would talk about Hunt. Not that dumb a move for a man whose first loyalty is to Hunt and knows he's going to get sacked.
Id been calling for the Hunt to 9 , 3 years ago , if it happened then we might of had a settled 7 by now ......


We all know HIS FIRST LOYALTY should be to the club and the REDV. Are FO walking around with white canes, that they cant see that Griffin chooses the players he wants , not needs.
Obviously should be to himself and his wife, then the club. But it isn't. Unless he has gone senile early and honestly thinks these bizarre selections are really what's best for the team.
Has FO finally given Griffin an ultimatum to win the next two/three games or we push you out the door as this is a radical step.
Surely the decision has been made and now it's just a question of the idiots taking their sweet time appointing a replacement.

How is this for a theory?

The board wants to appoint Dean Young but given the situation with the Cowboys, it's untenable at present. So they are waiting for as long as they possibly can, hoping the Cowboys come good so they can justify appointing Dean Young?


When was Halligan here. Just checking Zac's career record. He has always been ranked around 5/6 in Top 10 . Kicked 75 last season, they dont show from how many attemps, but betting that was at least between 80/85% success rate.
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When was Halligan here. Just checking Zac's career record. He has always been ranked around 5/6 in Top 10 . Kicked 75 last season, they dont show from how many attemps, but betting that was at least between 80/85% success rate.
Halligan was brought in to help Lomax's goal kicking this season.


If Hunt was as loyal as he makes out he'd put his hand up in this time of turmoil to play hooker, giving Sully a crack at half alongside his junior team mate. Instead he comes in as 14 to play reserve dummy half, a position have to say he has never looked as comfortable in as he does in the halves. We will need plenty of darting runs from him to give us valuable go forward.
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Halligan was brought in to help Lomax's goal kicking this season.
Why, when as I said he was among the comps top goal kickers last season. He popped em over from all angles, won us games, while this season he has missed shots he'd normally kick in his sleep. I have noticed that he has been curving his kicks, never seen him do that before, so if this is Halligan's influence, IT AINT WORKING.
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Liddle did not deserve the chop but to be fair his past two games have been underwhelming, yet Mbye's have been worse. This lack of impact may well be a reflection of Liddle being inexplicably demoted to bench reserve hooker when he was in top form. Still no excuse as he is a pro and if he was having a winge, then now he has learned the hard way.
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If Hunt was as loyal as he makes out he'd put his hand up in this time of turmoil to play hooker, giving Sully a crack at half alongside his junior team mate. Instead he comes in as 14 to play reserve dummy half, a position have to say he has never looked as comfortable in as he does in the halves. We will need plenty of darting runs from him to give us valuable go forward.
Not his job. Coach has to pick the best team. Hunt's job is to shut up and play wherever he is picked. And due to the money he's on, play well far more often than not.


Where does Zac Lomax sit for the immediate future. He has not been demoted to lower grades, just sent packing??? A kick in the guts that will hurt like hell. His replacement is a good'n in Max Feagai, who inho is better than his twin brother, who incidently should also have been demoted. His reading of the defense is school boy standard.