Recruitment and Retention for 2025


SGI Jersey Flegg
Kyle is a good defender, much better than Hunt imo. I don't think Sloan's defence would be any different to Hunt's. Who knows in this team though, overall our defence sucked. Is that personnel, coaching, defensive style? Who knows...
Hunt misses his share of tackles but also makes good stops on a regular basis. Kyle misses his share of tackles never makes good stops. Usually brings them down by grabbing hold of an ankle and holding on for dear life. It wouldn't be so bad for a fullback but for a frontline defender where it's all about slowing down the play-the-ball, it's not good.

Chris M

Jayden campbell? They've got Foran/Campbell/Boyd/Brimson/Weaver as halves.

TBH I'd take Kini for fb, transition Sloan to 5/8th & let Kyle game manage until we get a proper halfback. We've also got Cook coming in who will help with game management, I don't know if he has a kicking game. Maybe a short kicking game?

A trade for Kini & Weaver or Boyd then hope one of them kicks on like former titans halves (fogarty & sexton). Or a Jayden Campbell but yea, it'll be tricky because we need list spots too.
Not a bad idea but for a team to carry Kyle Flanno, Sloan and Kini would mean have to score at least 40 a game to win. With Feagai as well make that 50.

No secret I'm not a fan of Kyle but as a stop-gap solution at halfback, I don't mind it. If LKT is ready to step up as the main playmaker. He's a good defender. Canberra targeted him but he didn't miss a beat.

That might make accomodating Kini possible with Slaon in the centres.

Red T

SGI Jersey Flegg
Daniel Atkinson ? He went well in for Nico Is he a utility player ? But with Hynes around he is not going to play half.


Hunt misses his share of tackles but also makes good stops on a regular basis. Kyle misses his share of tackles never makes good stops. Usually brings them down by grabbing hold of an ankle and holding on for dear life. It wouldn't be so bad for a fullback but for a frontline defender where it's all about slowing down the play-the-ball, it's not good.
Difference here is one's on a million a season the other I'd say 300,000 a season ........ And there ain't much difference in what they do neither can win us a game or finals game ........ So for now I can put up with the guy on less money that has had one season with us compared to the guy that's been here for 7 years and counting ........

Chris M

Difference here is one's on a million a season the other I'd say 300,000 a season ........ And there ain't much difference in what they do neither can win us a game or finals game ........ So for now I can put up with the guy on less money that has had one season with us compared to the guy that's been here for 7 years and counting ........
Kyle on 300k a season? That is enough to get my knickers in a such knot you would need a chainsaw to untangle them. He's surely on a minimum wage. He was off contract and no other club wanted him.

I agree about value for money. Hunt should be on about 50% less so he's only getting 2 or 3 times Kyle.

Chris M

Shock horror 2nd Addo-Carr test came back positive, well well well, so in quick succession 2 of RL biggest names like the white powder it would appear. There may be a bigger problem than the NRL wish to let on I would humbly suggest
So he'll almost certainly be cut loose by the Grubs.
If grown adults want to do it, not my problem but these idiots are supposed to be role models for kids. They keep on getting caught.
Unfortunately was my problem for 39 yrs and yes you hit the nail on the head , these elite athletes from not only NRL but all sports are role models. Children are easily influenced and it is just plain wrong for alleged role models to behave in such a manner.

Red T

SGI Jersey Flegg
JAC will have to fess that he took it ! Then it is up to Gus after he said, if it happened here he would sack them. Personally I think fine him make him do rehab and move on. Couldn’t have happened to a better bunch of grubs !