Round 2 vs Gold Coast Titans


Best thing that could happen , then they will all be running for cover ..... Not winning anything this year or for the next 3 years , so bring it on , if they were to make the 8 it will be slaps on the backs everywhere ...... And Hook stays on more likely ...... Can't see it , I have said before we will go close to that big wooden spoon ...... it will all come out this year , if true the divided groups amongst the team , if Amone does come back , there will be players that will not be happy , the young blokes need game time , but will they get it ? Once they start loosing games it will be on for young and old ..... So I for one are on the getting hammered train .....
This has all the earmarks of a club and team that lacks or has forgotten its traditions, lacks loyalty, lacks passion and lacks mateship within the group. A team that has a coach who has alienated a fair group of players. I imagine that because of such a fractured team and club we will avoid the spoon but most certainly will not be playing semi finals football this season. Hence the coach should go as well as our GM of football.


SGI Jersey Flegg
Sometimes you gotta go backwards to go forwards.
The problem is the Board think they have been going forwards , and maybe the have , but its not forwards in the footy department , its fowards towards the Smorgasboard and Chinese ..... Bunch of no hopers running the club into the ground ......

Chris M

The problem is the Board think they have been going forwards , and maybe the have , but its not forwards in the footy department , its fowards towards the Smorgasboard and Chinese ..... Bunch of no hopers running the club into the ground ......
100% correct but unfortunately we can't trust them to hold themselves accountable. I don't know what it will take to get this club back on track. I mean, I know it will take the majority of the board vacating the office but don't know what it would take to make that happen. Fans and sponsors staying away in droves might I guess.


The problem is the Board think they have been going forwards , and maybe the have , but its not forwards in the footy department , its fowards towards the Smorgasboard and Chinese ..... Bunch of no hopers running the club into the ground ......
Well as I predicted Amone has been reinstated by the NRL. He is now free to be selected to play this week. Now we will see what the true culture of our club is. If there is any shred of discipline left. If he is selected then in my view it sends the wrong message. We will know shortly


100% correct but unfortunately we can't trust them to hold themselves accountable. I don't know what it will take to get this club back on track. I mean, I know it will take the majority of the board vacating the office but don't know what it would take to make that happen. Fans and sponsors staying away in droves might I guess.
They are not accountable if they were some should have been shown the door by now

Chris M

Well as I predicted Amone has been reinstated by the NRL. He is now free to be selected to play this week. Now we will see what the true culture of our club is. If there is any shred of discipline left. If he is selected then in my view it sends the wrong message. We will know shortly
After the JDB episode, there was no way they were going to prevent him playing since the charges were downgraded.


Well as I predicted Amone has been reinstated by the NRL. He is now free to be selected to play this week. Now we will see what the true culture of our club is. If there is any shred of discipline left. If he is selected then in my view it sends the wrong message. We will know shortly
After the JDB episode, there was no way they were going to prevent him playing since the charges were downgraded.
The big question is whether he is going to play this weekend.


Well as I predicted Amone has been reinstated by the NRL. He is now free to be selected to play this week. Now we will see what the true culture of our club is. If there is any shred of discipline left. If he is selected then in my view it sends the wrong message. We will know shortly
I'm not so sure Griffin is happy about the development. No excuses now.


Well some big omissions here.
1. Sloan
2. Feigai
3. Lomax
4. Suli
5. Rav
6. Sullivan
7. Hunt
8. F Molo
9. Mbye
10. Lawrie
11. Murdoch - Masila
12. Su'a
13. Bird
14. Liddle
15. Musgrove
16. Couchman
17. M Molo


So Woods, Kerr and Burns dropped, Amone not picked and very happy with that, and a head scratcher the off season specialist hooker Liddle off the bench makes little sense to me. But what would I know


Well some big omissions here.
1. Sloan
2. Feigai
3. Lomax
4. Suli
5. Rav
6. Sullivan
7. Hunt
8. F Molo
9. Mbye
10. Lawrie
11. Murdoch - Masila
12. Su'a
13. Bird
14. Liddle
15. Musgrove
16. Couchman
17. M Molo
Couchman! Would be nice if they informed us he was in the top 30.