Round 5 vs Newcastle Knights


SGI Jersey Flegg
Agree Coachman Brothers need to come in and the young red headed kid ...... Also the mentioned we have the oldest pack going around ........
Those changes are needed. Especially the Couchmans. But after watching that horror show, I'm just staggered Lomax is the one being forced out while Bird and Suli are secure in the centres. Unbelievable!


SGI Jersey Flegg
Those changes are needed. Especially the Couchmans. But after watching that horror show, I'm just staggered Lomax is the one being forced out while Bird and Suli are secure in the centres. Unbelievable!
Looks like Flanno has favourites as well ...... Because he coached Bird before and the won the Grand Final doesn't mean he is the same player ....... F**K that was zonks ago ......


Those changes are needed. Especially the Couchmans. But after watching that horror show, I'm just staggered Lomax is the one being forced out while Bird and Suli are secure in the centres. Unbelievable!


Zac, JDB (again!) and Liddle are the only Dragons I give a pass mark to tonight. Suli ran straight and hard, again, again, again and again. Would be a gun second rower, wouldn't he? From a centre I'd like to see some more variety.
Nice play on words in regards to the conditions. Look we have a slow backline Suli is a hard straight runner and that's it, no real step or evasive talent. Bird well he was found out lacks pace and continues to skip across the face of the park. The coach tried the much vaunted and talked about swap of Lomax and Sloan and it did create some speed and created chances but poor last decisions probably cost 2 tries. Once again we favoured that side of the park which became predictable.


And their 6 and 7 out played ours ...... Really Hunt can't control a game never has and never will ...... Yep Flanno extend his contract ......
He was found out last night poor kicking game and last play decisions made him look at some stages as a park player. Same with Flanagan didn't really create much. I thought Hastings had a blinder perhaps as a result of how poor our halves were


Agree Coachman Brothers need to come in and the young red headed kid ...... Also they mentioned we have the oldest pack going around ........
Interestingly enough 4 forwards ran for the 100m plus usually that is a sign that your going to be very competitive. Problem was their whole pack did the same. Lawrie was awful again last night and to my eye is being affected mentally by his best mate Lomax decision to seek a release. Lawrie didn't have his heart in it last night.


Our best centre winger and possibly Fb is on the outer.
Team list Tuesday will be interesting.
Well Lomax again last night was our best once again surpassing 200m . In fact since moved to wing he sits 2nd on the metres run list only behind D Edwards and is avg 197m a game. He sits 4th on the point scoring list . Wholesale changes in the backline isn't the problem, Bird should be coming off the bench as should Lawrie. The problem last night was our completion rate 65% will not win you any matches, and 18 errors, you just can't compete with those 2 vital statistics being so poor.


Bird HAS TO GO. Not even bench, Ressies. Eisenhuth and Mariner have had one decent game in five. Vili Fifita and Toby Couchman, even Tuitavake have to come into the 17, give Fifita a crack at starting prop, Jack is a lock NOT A PROP Flanagan. The bloke came off the bench last week played like a superstar for the next 60 mins so this dud coach puts him back to prop.
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I had only two forwards running 100m jodragon, Leilua 164, F Molo 140, who were the other two you said. The middle defense must have been an improvement on our two shockers with some big numbers from specially, Liddle 50, Jack 44. Most other forwards were in the 30s. Liddle is still not making enuff of those little darts against dozey markers.
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I dont see a growing partnership between the sook and Flanagan, bad call to pair them. Give Flanagan first receiver duty over the has been and see if he can add more structure to our attack.
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Just a Mug Fan

SGI Jersey Flegg
Mine too. Zac and Blocka are real 'brothers' having come thru juniors together, Not be surprised to now see Lawrie also asking for a release. With Jack still to be extended, sadly I see all three gone come end of '24. The end of an era.
Blocka is 27, they never played juniors together, maybe half a dozen games in ressies