Where do you see us in 5 years


SGI Jersey Flegg
Ok is Hook going to be with us in 5 years , and will he take us to the top 4 ? ...... Is Hook building a team that next year will be on the edge of top 6 ( Hooks last if not extended ) ..... Or are they wasting another 5 years , then have to start all over again with another coach ? ..... Su'A , Molo , de Belin , Bird , Lawrie , are they good enough with what we have , plus Woods , McGuire , Macca , Mybe , I say no , so where are other forwards going to come from ? To have any chance next year , Sullivan , Amone , Sloan , Ramsey all need to be playing ..... This , "You cant have them all on the field together" ..... Why not ? ..... We have won some games against teams that are playing as bad and worst than us , and when they do play the better teams they get belted anyway ( with the experienced players ) ..... So Id rather lose playing the younger and let them gain first grade experience , and maybe they can score some exciting try's , not the crap dished up now ...... Anyway that's just my thoughts and yes I don't see much improvement if things stay the same ......

Chris M

Ok is Hook going to be with us in 5 years , and will he take us to the top 4 ? ...... Is Hook building a team that next year will be on the edge of top 6 ( Hooks last if not extended ) ..... Or are they wasting another 5 years , then have to start all over again with another coach ? ..... Su'A , Molo , de Belin , Bird , Lawrie , are they good enough with what we have , plus Woods , McGuire , Macca , Mybe , I say no , so where are other forwards going to come from ? To have any chance next year , Sullivan , Amone , Sloan , Ramsey all need to be playing ..... This , "You cant have them all on the field together" ..... Why not ? ..... We have won some games against teams that are playing as bad and worst than us , and when they do play the better teams they get belted anyway ( with the experienced players ) ..... So Id rather lose playing the younger and let them gain first grade experience , and maybe they can score some exciting try's , not the crap dished up now ...... Anyway that's just my thoughts and yes I don't see much improvement if things stay the same ......
Hmmmmm need some time to think about this one.


Ok is Hook going to be with us in 5 years , and will he take us to the top 4 ? ...... Is Hook building a team that next year will be on the edge of top 6 ( Hooks last if not extended ) ..... Or are they wasting another 5 years , then have to start all over again with another coach ? ..... Su'A , Molo , de Belin , Bird , Lawrie , are they good enough with what we have , plus Woods , McGuire , Macca , Mybe , I say no , so where are other forwards going to come from ? To have any chance next year , Sullivan , Amone , Sloan , Ramsey all need to be playing ..... This , "You cant have them all on the field together" ..... Why not ? ..... We have won some games against teams that are playing as bad and worst than us , and when they do play the better teams they get belted anyway ( with the experienced players ) ..... So Id rather lose playing the younger and let them gain first grade experience , and maybe they can score some exciting try's , not the crap dished up now ...... Anyway that's just my thoughts and yes I don't see much improvement if things stay the same ......
I'm a big fan of the Feagai's but I think they are centres, not wingers. We need speed on the wings. The Feagai's are big and skillful but not especially fast. Can they push out Suli and Lomax? I don't see why Lomax couldn't try his hand at 5/8 if Amone doesn't work out as we hope and expect. As far as I can see right now, Sullivan is lock for halfback.

The forwards are where it gets interesting. Su'A will be around for a few years but 4 or 5 years, he's the only lock for the NRL. Both Molo's are likely as well but I wouldn't bet on it. At least not much. JDB, Sims, Woods, Macca, Mbye, Burgess won't be around and I have doubts about Lawrie and Bird unless the former can add some new tricks, like an offload and the latter can run harder for more metres gained.


Ok is Hook going to be with us in 5 years , and will he take us to the top 4 ? ...... Is Hook building a team that next year will be on the edge of top 6 ( Hooks last if not extended ) ..... Or are they wasting another 5 years , then have to start all over again with another coach ? ..... Su'A , Molo , de Belin , Bird , Lawrie , are they good enough with what we have , plus Woods , McGuire , Macca , Mybe , I say no , so where are other forwards going to come from ? To have any chance next year , Sullivan , Amone , Sloan , Ramsey all need to be playing ..... This , "You cant have them all on the field together" ..... Why not ? ..... We have won some games against teams that are playing as bad and worst than us , and when they do play the better teams they get belted anyway ( with the experienced players ) ..... So Id rather lose playing the younger and let them gain first grade experience , and maybe they can score some exciting try's , not the crap dished up now ...... Anyway that's just my thoughts and yes I don't see much improvement if things stay the same ......
If he is still with us in 5 years, it'll mean he's had some great success so in that respect I hope he is. Top 4 at a minimum. I've noticed over the years lots of Dragons fans have been content with top 8. McGregor used to babble about making the top 8 so much it became painful. Top 8 this year would be a bonus. Next year if Hook is going to be extended again, the team needs to be pushing top 4.


Ok is Hook going to be with us in 5 years , and will he take us to the top 4 ?
Doubt it. If he doesn't take us into the top 4, he certainly won't.

Is Hook building a team that next year will be on the edge of top 6
The backline won't change much. I think Sloan will replace Ramsey. I think Sullivan will be halfback and Hunt will be hooker or plying his trade elsewhere. But as everyone is talking about, who are the forwards going to be? Need at least one more good middle prop, one more good edge second rower and a hooker.

As I just noticed you said regarding the forwards.

To have any chance next year , Sullivan , Amone , Sloan , Ramsey all need to be playing
How do you see fitting Sloan and Ramsey into the team?

So Id rather lose playing the younger and let them gain first grade experience , and maybe they can score some exciting try's , not the crap dished up now
I'm thinking that too but I think making the finals is worth quite a lot of money so he won't go with younger players with an eye on next year until finals are out of the question.


SGI Jersey Flegg
If he is still with us in 5 years, it'll mean he's had some great success so in that respect I hope he is. Top 4 at a minimum. I've noticed over the years lots of Dragons fans have been content with top 8. McGregor used to babble about making the top 8 so much it became painful. Top 8 this year would be a bonus. Next year if Hook is going to be extended again, the team needs to be pushing top 4.
" If he is still with us in 5 years, it'll mean he's had some great success " this is what I hope happens , but with this lot you hope we don't see another Mary episode ..... Anyway time will tell and lets again hope the Big Wigs have learnt their lesson ..... They the board did what they have done before and extended Hooks contract before a ball was even kicked ..... That's what makes me uncertain, that they have learnt their lesson .....


" If he is still with us in 5 years, it'll mean he's had some great success " this is what I hope happens , but with this lot you hope we don't see another Mary episode ..... Anyway time will tell and lets again hope the Big Wigs have learnt their lesson ..... They the board did what they have done before and extended Hooks contract before a ball was even kicked ..... That's what makes me uncertain, that they have learnt their lesson .....
That's a nightmare which has happened with 3 of the last 4 coaches (not counting caretakers) but surely not again.


Sure but looking at it like that, we're in WW4 now.
I was reminded of Einstein's quote at the end of WW2:

Question: What kind of weapons do you think will be used in the third world war?

Einstein: I don't know but the 4th war will be fought with stones.

If it happens again as it happened with Brown, Price and McGregor, Dragons fans might stone the CEO and the board.


In 5 years
  1. Sloan
  2. Feagai
  3. Suli
  4. Lomax
  5. Feagai
  6. Amone
  7. Sullivan
  8. Molo
  9. Connor Muhleisen
  10. ??????
  11. Su'a
  12. ????????
  13. ???????
  14. ?????????
  15. ????????
  16. J. Hunt
  17. M. Molo


SGI Jersey Flegg
In 5 years
  1. Sloan
  2. Feagai
  3. Suli
  4. Lomax
  5. Feagai
  6. Amone
  7. Sullivan
  8. Molo
  9. Connor Muhleisen
  10. ??????
  11. Su'a
  12. ????????
  13. ???????
  14. ?????????
  15. ????????
  16. J. Hunt
  17. M. Molo
Frank Molo is in his mid 20s now. So in 5 years he'll be around the same age as Burgess and Woods now. He's obviously not close to as good as they were when they were his age. Doubt he'll be around in 5 years.

Zac Lomax as as second rower in an out of the box idea. Not yet but in 3 or 4 years, he could easily bulk up to be easily over 100kg. Would be far from the smallest second rower and he has an excellent skill-set for that position.

I think Suli is going to struggle to continue to be a centre in the next 3 to 4 years or sooner. He's already massive which is fine but Saints need some speed in the backline.


SGI Jersey Flegg
Ok after yesterday's hammering, can somone shed some light ..... Where do you see us in 5 years time ..... For me it hasn't been a building for the future under Hook, too many old players that can't keep up with the modern game and a bunch of players that would not get a starting gig at most clubs ..... So for me its again wasted time under the dinosaur coaching staff ..... But would not expect much more with a board of men that keep patting themselves on the back, Young chairman, Doust back on the board and the little snotty nosed Andrew Gordon and Co .....


Ok after yesterday's hammering, can somone shed some light ..... Where do you see us in 5 years time ..... For me it hasn't been a building for the future under Hook, too many old players that can't keep up with the modern game and a bunch of players that would not get a starting gig at most clubs ..... So for me its again wasted time under the dinosaur coaching staff ..... But would not expect much more with a board of men that keep patting themselves on the back, Young chairman, Doust back on the board and the little snotty nosed Andrew Gordon and Co .....
Yep. I said earlier today on another thread, have to put our hopes in the Jersey Flegg.


Ok after yesterday's hammering, can somone shed some light ..... Where do you see us in 5 years time ..... For me it hasn't been a building for the future under Hook, too many old players that can't keep up with the modern game and a bunch of players that would not get a starting gig at most clubs ..... So for me its again wasted time under the dinosaur coaching staff ..... But would not expect much more with a board of men that keep patting themselves on the back, Young chairman, Doust back on the board and the little snotty nosed Andrew Gordon and Co .....
It's hard to comprehend how the recruitment failed so miserably. Does anyone know if Coric played in the NSW Cup today? I've said before, all the young forwards we had high hopes for have fallen away except to an extent, Coric and Shereb. The latter was dropped from NSW Cup back to Flegg and the former has been in and out of NSW Cup/Jersey Flegg.

That leaves Connor Muhleisen. He's been in the NSW Cup all year. He must be stinking it up, even if it wasn't the case in the 2 games I've seen, because McCullough and Mbye are stinking it up something terribly.


Ok so this is my personal opinion on what is required to make us competitive again. The coach has to go his resigning of Bird was nonsensical and he appears to me to have gone overboard on the loyalty issue. The new coach most probably Flanagan needs to instill discipline, passion into the top 30 group. Every player needs to be told non performance will not be acceptable and nobody's spot is certain. We need fresh blood in our recruitment team because our recent recruitment is abismal. We have ample fire-power in the backs. Our biggest issue is our pack all our resources and money should be targeted at obtaining 2 props that can consistently run the 100m. Muhleisen needs to come into the team as a specialist hooker and give us speed in the ruck area. Gosiewski who again scored today in reserves needs to be in the 17. Sims should play out the rest of the season in reserves with Burgess and both leave next season. We need to rebuild our pack around Sua. Lawrie should never start again but stay on the bench for now. Our defensive coach should be shown the door, blind freddy can see Hunt needs an enforcer in the defensive line to stop the opposition running at him. I have watched very closely this year and last and our club is not playing for each other and the manner in which the coach has alienated our young stars and over coached Amone this should have sounded off the alarm bells in the front office. Until the management realises we need to go in a new direction then we will be at best a team battling for a position between 10th and 16th.

Chris M

Ok so this is my personal opinion on what is required to make us competitive again. The coach has to go his resigning of Bird was nonsensical and he appears to me to have gone overboard on the loyalty issue. The new coach most probably Flanagan needs to instill discipline, passion into the top 30 group. Every player needs to be told non performance will not be acceptable and nobody's spot is certain. We need fresh blood in our recruitment team because our recent recruitment is abismal. We have ample fire-power in the backs. Our biggest issue is our pack all our resources and money should be targeted at obtaining 2 props that can consistently run the 100m. Muhleisen needs to come into the team as a specialist hooker and give us speed in the ruck area. Gosiewski who again scored today in reserves needs to be in the 17. Sims should play out the rest of the season in reserves with Burgess and both leave next season. We need to rebuild our pack around Sua. Lawrie should never start again but stay on the bench for now. Our defensive coach should be shown the door, blind freddy can see Hunt needs an enforcer in the defensive line to stop the opposition running at him. I have watched very closely this year and last and our club is not playing for each other and the manner in which the coach has alienated our young stars and over coached Amone this should have sounded off the alarm bells in the front office. Until the management realises we need to go in a new direction then we will be at best a team battling for a position between 10th and 16th.
Boom. There you have it. How about de Belin?


Ok so this is my personal opinion on what is required to make us competitive again. The coach has to go his resigning of Bird was nonsensical and he appears to me to have gone overboard on the loyalty issue. The new coach most probably Flanagan needs to instill discipline, passion into the top 30 group. Every player needs to be told non performance will not be acceptable and nobody's spot is certain. We need fresh blood in our recruitment team because our recent recruitment is abismal. We have ample fire-power in the backs. Our biggest issue is our pack all our resources and money should be targeted at obtaining 2 props that can consistently run the 100m. Muhleisen needs to come into the team as a specialist hooker and give us speed in the ruck area. Gosiewski who again scored today in reserves needs to be in the 17. Sims should play out the rest of the season in reserves with Burgess and both leave next season. We need to rebuild our pack around Sua. Lawrie should never start again but stay on the bench for now. Our defensive coach should be shown the door, blind freddy can see Hunt needs an enforcer in the defensive line to stop the opposition running at him. I have watched very closely this year and last and our club is not playing for each other and the manner in which the coach has alienated our young stars and over coached Amone this should have sounded off the alarm bells in the front office. Until the management realises we need to go in a new direction then we will be at best a team battling for a position between 10th and 16th.
jodragon40 jodragon40 is a rugby league genius.