
Not saying that he is actually guilty of anything but in reality we can't become embroiled in another Debelin type of criminal investigation
We can't (become embroiled in another Debelin type of criminal investigation) but if he is proven innocent or no case to answer for.......


We can't (become embroiled in another Debelin type of criminal investigation) but if he is proven innocent or no case to answer for.......
It's the start of the season we have started extremely well the club and team just don't need another distraction. The only difference on this occasion is that he wasn't a starter and we have the depth to cover any stand down directive if it happens

Chris M

It's the start of the season we have started extremely well the club and team just don't need another distraction. The only difference on this occasion is that he wasn't a starter and we have the depth to cover any stand down directive if it happens
That's true but if the accusations turn out bogus, there really isn't anything the club can do short of telling players not to go within 2 metres of any female not your wife.


That's true but if the accusations turn out bogus, there really isn't anything the club can do short of telling players not to go within 2 metres of any female not your wife.
You know back in the day it was it little more lax and how de doo de, never heard that, never saw that etc. But even then if it happened a second or third time then you were shown the door. That is back in the wild west days where fighting was not only condoned but encouraged, but nowadays with all the strict protocols even for drinking alcohol well by the time you reach maturity age you should know right from wrong and what is acceptable and what is not acceptable, it isn't rocket science and those who cannot abide by the laws of the league, the club or more importantly the team should be shown the exit door if proven of any wrong doing, just my views

Chris M

You know back in the day it was it little more lax and how de doo de, never heard that, never saw that etc. But even then if it happened a second or third time then you were shown the door. That is back in the wild west days where fighting was not only condoned but encouraged, but nowadays with all the strict protocols even for drinking alcohol well by the time you reach maturity age you should know right from wrong and what is acceptable and what is not acceptable, it isn't rocket science and those who cannot abide by the laws of the league, the club or more importantly the team should be shown the exit door if proven of any wrong doing, just my views
Of course you are right but my point is that the females for whatever reason, money, attention, a grudge or whatever have been proven at times to make it up. I know De Belin's case basically came down to the word or 3 guys vs that of one woman and he should never have put himself in that situation but think the Brett Stewart case some years ago. It was a proven lie. Watch this space according to the Jaryd Hayne situation. He was abruptly released. Some new evidence has come to light? She got drunk and blurted something out which was recorded?

If this is another of those type of situation, there is really nothing to be done. As far as I know Burgess isn't married or doesn't have a pregnant partner at home. He has every right to go to a bar and try to catch some female. Of course he doesn't have the right to grope females against their wishes but as far as I know, he is denying it happened.


Of course you are right but my point is that the females for whatever reason, money, attention, a grudge or whatever have been proven at times to make it up. I know De Belin's case basically came down the word or 3 guys vs that of one woman and he should never have put himself in that situation but think the Brett Stewart case some years ago. It was a proven lie. Watch this space according to the Jaryd Hayne situation. He was abruptly released. Some new evidence has come to light? She got drunk and blurted something out which was recorded?

If this is another of those type of situation, there is really nothing to be done. As far as I know Burgess isn't married or doesn't have a pregnant partner at home. He has even right to go to a bar and try to catch some female. Of course he doesn't have the right to group females against their wishes but as far as I know, he is denying it happened.
Believe me I know very very well that each case stands alone on its own set of facts its just so frustrating having people who are intelligent placing themselves in positions of vulnerability, back in the day our younger players had a minder that the club paid for to ensure they stayed out of trouble if they went out as a group small or large nowadays well everyone is basically left to their own devices


I think it's best to just wait and see. No use even speculating at this stage. He hasn't even been charged.

Chris M

Believe me I know very very well that each case stands alone on its own set of facts its just so frustrating having people who are intelligent placing themselves in positions of vulnerability, back in the day our younger players had a minder that the club paid for to ensure they stayed out of trouble if they went out as a group small or large nowadays well everyone is basically left to their own devices
I agree with that...... if he did place himself in a position of vulnerability. Someone could be accused of groping while standing in line waiting to buy a meat pie.


I agree with that...... if he did place himself in a position of vulnerability. Someone could be accused of groping while standing in line waiting to buy a meat pie.
Believe me I know very very well that each case stands alone on its own set of facts its just so frustrating having people who are intelligent placing themselves in positions of vulnerability, back in the day our younger players had a minder that the club paid for to ensure they stayed out of trouble if they went out as a group small or large nowadays well everyone is basically left to their own devices
Too many variables. The only way to proceed is innocent until proven guilty. As of now, he hasn't even been charged. If he isn't charged, i.e. there was nothing in it, maybe there needs to be an investigation. Is someone or some group trying to bring about bad publicity? Is Cronulla still sponsored by the porn king with links to organized crime?
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A little more info. It happened over 2 weeks ago! And the police are only investigating now? Seems suspicious to me.

St George Illawarra forward George Burgess investigated by police, NRL integrity unit​

Dragons forward George Burgess is being investigated by police and the NRL integrity unit. Wide World of Sports can confirm Burgess is the player referenced by a Dragons statement released today. "The St George Illawarra Dragons have been made aware of a matter involving one of its players by the NRL integrity unit," it reads. "The Dragons are working closely with all parties, as the matter is under police investigation. "The Dragons will be making no further comment at this stage."

A statement from NSW Police reads, "Earlier this month officers attached to south Sydney area command commenced an investigation into reports a woman had been sexually touched by a man known to her on Tuesday 8th March 2022".

Burgess, 29, was recruited by the Red V this year and made his club debut against the Panthers on Friday night. He previously played 149 NRL games for South Sydney, and was one of the best players on the field in the 2014 grand final, although his brother Sam was awarded the Clive Churchill Medal. Burgess essentially retired from the game in 2019 due to a serious hip problem, but he mad a surprise comeback this year.




Of course you are right but my point is that the females for whatever reason, money, attention, a grudge or whatever have been proven at times to make it up. I know De Belin's case basically came down to the word or 3 guys vs that of one woman and he should never have put himself in that situation but think the Brett Stewart case some years ago. It was a proven lie. Watch this space according to the Jaryd Hayne situation. He was abruptly released. Some new evidence has come to light? She got drunk and blurted something out which was recorded?

If this is another of those type of situation, there is really nothing to be done. As far as I know Burgess isn't married or doesn't have a pregnant partner at home. He has every right to go to a bar and try to catch some female. Of course he doesn't have the right to grope females against their wishes but as far as I know, he is denying it happened.
De Belin's case wasn't simply their word against hers. The cops lied in order to bring charges because the case they had was so weak. And she admitted lying about one of the charges. And she was boasting about it the next day with her co-worker.

If it wasn't for the politics of the #me too movement in the US and the emotional element with his pregnant girlfriend at home, he'd never have been charged.

Not long ago I met a young female. One thing led to another and suddenly she was at my place disrobing. I was helping when she stopped me and said she was on her period. She still wanted it but I told her to wait a few days. I hate red wings. She was angry and the next day or the day after sent a message suggesting I tried to force her and she was thinking about going to the cops. I basically called her a psycho and told her to STFU and don't contact me again.

In this case, 'someone known to him' was 'touched' and a week to 10 days later decided to go to the cops. Sounds like the two of them were involved in something voluntary. She said, 'you're not my BF so no more'. When it became obvious to her, he was never going to be her BF, she got upset and went to the cops.

I know it's merely a guess but about the De Belin and my own experience is factual.


De Belin's case wasn't simply their word against hers. The cops lied in order to bring charges because the case they had was so weak. And she admitted lying about one of the charges. And she was boasting about it the next day with her co-worker.

If it wasn't for the politics of the #me too movement in the US and the emotional element with his pregnant girlfriend at home, he'd never have been charged.

Not long ago I met a young female. One thing led to another and suddenly she was at my place disrobing. I was helping when she stopped me and said she was on her period. She still wanted it but I told her to wait a few days. I hate red wings. She was angry and the next day or the day after sent a message suggesting I tried to force her and she was thinking about going to the cops. I basically called her a psycho and told her to STFU and don't contact me again.

In this case, 'someone known to him' was 'touched' and a week to 10 days later decided to go to the cops. Sounds like the two of them were involved in something voluntary. She said, 'you're not my BF so no more'. When it became obvious to her, he was never going to be her BF, she got upset and went to the cops.

I know it's merely a guess but about the De Belin and my own experience is factual.
So did she go to the cops?


So did she go to the cops?
No idea. Doubt it. She didn't come across as unstable. Just angry about something and taking it out on me. But no sign of intercourse, a physical struggle or witnesses. So if I were a prominant St George player I would have gotten arrested for sure!