
I didn't follow this closely but....... looking at a summary of the cross examination, it was all but confirmed she was lying. This is a problem! Cops press charges so easily with so little evidence. In the case of De Belin they actually lied about the evidence they had to press charges. It's very hard to punish the women because it will encourage real victims not to come forward but i certainly hope incompetent and/or lying cops are several punished!

Former St George Illawarra player Tristan Sailor found not guilty of sexually assaulting woman​

A jury has acquitted the son of Australian rugby league and union legend Wendell Sailor after he was accused of raping and injuring a drunk woman he met through a social media app. Tristan Sailor, 23, faced a NSW District Court trial in March after the woman said she could not remember having oral, vaginal and anal sex him in 2020.

After retiring to consider a verdict about 1pm on Thursday, jurors reached their unanimous decision after two hours and 20 minutes and delivered verdicts of not guilty to the two aggravated sexual assault charges Mr Sailor was hit with.

During the trial the court was told the woman and Sailor met on the social networking app Instagram in 2019 when he was on the cusp of following in his father’s footsteps and making his NRL debut for the St George Illawarra Dragons.
If Hayne is found not guilty, after already doing time, there will probably be more scrutiny on the issue.


Lomax, what was he thinking? Best friends or not when it comes to facing opposite each other in any sporting event they are the opposition not your mate. The coach is trying to instill a discipline mindset and that is being accomplished in my view. I said last week you cannot be competitive when you are completing at 70% giving away too many penalties and 6 again too which happened the last few seasons. However this season we have been very good except for completion rate. We'll Sunday saw a completion rate of 87% only gave away 2 penalties only made 6 errors the negative was missed tackles being 50 far too many so tackling practice this week lads. As for Lomax his actions could have cost us a win by his stupidity. As a coach come the next training session I would have him stand up in front of the team and explain why he acted that way, have him acknowledge it was a mistake and accept any punishment that the senior team players deem necessary behind closed doors . I would as a coach personally tell him his spot is on the line and any future similar actions will lead to losing his spot in the team. Nobody is greater than the team and a discipline mindset is in my view essential for on field success moving forward.
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Lomax, what was he thinking? Best friends or not when it comes to facing opposite each other in any sporting event they are the opposition not your mate. The coach is trying to instill a discipline mindset and that is being accomplished in my view. I said last week you cannot be competitive when you are completing at 70% giving away too many penalties and 6 again too which happened the last few seasons. However this season we have been very good except for completion rate. We'll Sunday saw a completion rate of 87% only gave away 2 penalties only made 6 errors the negative was missed tackles being 50 far too many so tackling practice this week lads. As for Lomax his actions could have cost us a win by his stupidity. As a coach come the next training session I would have him stand up in front of the team and explain why he acted that way, have him acknowledge it was a mistake and accept any punishment that the senior team players deem necessary behind closed doors . I would as a coach personally tell him his spot is on the line and any future similar actions will lead to losing his spot in the team. Nobody is greater than the team and a discipline mindset is in my view essential for on field success moving forward.
My personal opinion is that they are making too much out of it. It comes down to stupidity rather than any malice. Since he split with Jess Sergis, he's been really strange, both on and off the field. He needs a new GF ASAP.


My personal opinion is that they are making too much out of it. It comes down to stupidity rather than any malice. Since he split with Jess Sergis, he's been really strange, both on and off the field. He needs a new GF ASAP.
Our Zac doesn't come across as the sharpest tool in the shed.


Lomax, what was he thinking? Best friends or not when it comes to facing opposite each other in any sporting event they are the opposition not your mate. The coach is trying to instill a discipline mindset and that is being accomplished in my view. I said last week you cannot be competitive when you are completing at 70% giving away too many penalties and 6 again too which happened the last few seasons. However this season we have been very good except for completion rate. We'll Sunday saw a completion rate of 87% only gave away 2 penalties only made 6 errors the negative was missed tackles being 50 far too many so tackling practice this week lads. As for Lomax his actions could have cost us a win by his stupidity. As a coach come the next training session I would have him stand up in front of the team and explain why he acted that way, have him acknowledge it was a mistake and accept any punishment that the senior team players deem necessary behind closed doors . I would as a coach personally tell him his spot is on the line and any future similar actions will lead to losing his spot in the team. Nobody is greater than the team and a discipline mindset is in my view essential for on field success moving forward.
The way it's going, when Max Feagai is back from injury, maybe in as little as 2~3 weeks, Lomax might find his position in the team under threat.


My personal opinion is that they are making too much out of it. It comes down to stupidity rather than any malice. Since he split with Jess Sergis, he's been really strange, both on and off the field. He needs a new GF ASAP.
Most probably does but needs to grow up and quickly


The way it's going, when Max Feagai is back from injury, maybe in as little as 2~3 weeks, Lomax might find his position in the team under threat.
I would suggest that Griffin being old school would have told him straight and he will have a blinder against the roosters


Poor Zac is still copping it for being stupid.

Dragons star’s apology ignored​

Newcastle enforcer Tyson Frizell has reportedly ignored St George Illawarra centre Zac Lomax’s attempts to apologise​

The 22-year-old purposely jumped on the back of Frizell after the Dragons scores and the Newcastle backrower clearly wasn’t happy, dragging him to the ground in a fiery reaction. While the pair are former teammates, Lomax has reportedly been unsuccessful in his attempts to reach out to Frizell.

“Frizell is not talking to Lomax, Lomax has reached out to fix things with him and he hasn’t replied,” Paul Kent said on NRL360. “Yeah that’s what I got told,” David Riccio backed Kent’s statement. NRL360 host Braith Anasta coined the situation as “frosty” while rugby league legend James Graham explained he was “disappointed” with Lomax.

“I was disappointed with Zac, I think you could tell he was embarrassed about it by smiling at the end of it and saying he was trying to get under his skin and then saying sorry,” Graham said on NRL360. “He’d definitely like his time again and I can’t imagine him doing that anymore or ever again, I think it certainly put him off his game.


Poor Zac is still copping it for being stupid.

Dragons star’s apology ignored​

Newcastle enforcer Tyson Frizell has reportedly ignored St George Illawarra centre Zac Lomax’s attempts to apologise​

The 22-year-old purposely jumped on the back of Frizell after the Dragons scores and the Newcastle backrower clearly wasn’t happy, dragging him to the ground in a fiery reaction. While the pair are former teammates, Lomax has reportedly been unsuccessful in his attempts to reach out to Frizell.

“Frizell is not talking to Lomax, Lomax has reached out to fix things with him and he hasn’t replied,” Paul Kent said on NRL360. “Yeah that’s what I got told,” David Riccio backed Kent’s statement. NRL360 host Braith Anasta coined the situation as “frosty” while rugby league legend James Graham explained he was “disappointed” with Lomax.

“I was disappointed with Zac, I think you could tell he was embarrassed about it by smiling at the end of it and saying he was trying to get under his skin and then saying sorry,” Graham said on NRL360. “He’d definitely like his time again and I can’t imagine him doing that anymore or ever again, I think it certainly put him off his game.
Frizell was a warrior for St George for so many years, often, or usually in a very poor team. Lomax was an idiot but I think he's copped enough for just being dumb. It's not as if he king hit Frizell and broke his jaw or something like that. So if Frizell can't get over it, f**k him. Lomax should use it to fire him up.


Frizell was a warrior for St George for so many years, often, or usually in a very poor team. Lomax was an idiot but I think he's copped enough for just being dumb. It's not as if he king hit Frizell and broke his jaw or something like that. So if Frizell can't get over it, f**k him. Lomax should use it to fire him up.
He's copped more criticism for that than Latrell Mitchell did when he smashed Manu's face and then suggested he was the victim.
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He's copped more criticism for that than Latrell Mitchell did when he smashed Manu's face and then suggested he was the victim.
At first it was just Zac being stupid. He was thrown roughly to the ground, critized and fined for it. It should have been end of story but the way they are going on with it, it's time Lomax took umbrage.



St George Illawarra Dragons slam ‘ridiculous’ Zac Lomax fine over Frizell incident​

Zac Lomax has been widely criticised for the incident involving Tyson Frizell but his Dragons’ teammate has slammed the centre’s punishment as ‘ridiculous’.​

Zac Lomax has been widely criticised for the Tyson Frizell incident but his St George Illawarra teammates have slammed the centre’s punishment as ‘ridiculous’. Lomax was hit with a $1,000 fine after being charged with a grade one contrary conduct for jumping on Frizell’s back after the Dragons scored a try. The Newcastle forward didn’t take too kindly to the attention and rag dolled Lomax to the ground as players from both sides swarmed in to diffuse the situation.

While the brain snap moment has been lambasted by fans and commentators, Dragons forward Jaydn Su’A believes Lomax does not deserve the headlines or the punishment. “I think it’s ridiculous. But that’s not my call to make. If they want to fine him $1,000 … he’s got plenty of money, so it should be sweet,” Su’A said. “I did have a chat to him, he is sweet. I do feel a little bit sorry for him, the media has kind of blown it way out of proportion. But that is what they do I guess. “I don’t think there was any malice in it. “They were former teammates. We see players do that in other teams as well, but they don’t cope the stick that he’s copped this week. I think it’s unfortunate. “He has probably put a target on his head but he thrives under that certain circumstance.”

The off-the-ball encounter, which occurred in the 52nd minute, left Knights David Klemmer enforcer so infuriated he confronted Lomax at full-time. Despite the duo being former teammates, it’s believed Frizell has ignored Lomax’s attempts to apologise after Sunday’s game. Dragons captain Ben Hunt also believes the fine was too harsh but conceded Lomax had done the wrong thing.

“I had a little chat with Zac, I didn’t see it live, I was celebrating the try. I didn’t know what happened. I watched it back and yeah we had a little chat and he knows he was in the wrong,” Hunt said. “He is remorseful for it. It won’t happen again. “I think it’s (fine) a bit much. I’ve seen guys get off for things much worse or what I think is worse.”

Thank you Jaydn Su’A! It's about time the club stopped meekly letting the NRL and media bully our players!



St George Illawarra Dragons slam ‘ridiculous’ Zac Lomax fine over Frizell incident​

Zac Lomax has been widely criticised for the incident involving Tyson Frizell but his Dragons’ teammate has slammed the centre’s punishment as ‘ridiculous’.​

Zac Lomax has been widely criticised for the Tyson Frizell incident but his St George Illawarra teammates have slammed the centre’s punishment as ‘ridiculous’. Lomax was hit with a $1,000 fine after being charged with a grade one contrary conduct for jumping on Frizell’s back after the Dragons scored a try. The Newcastle forward didn’t take too kindly to the attention and rag dolled Lomax to the ground as players from both sides swarmed in to diffuse the situation.

While the brain snap moment has been lambasted by fans and commentators, Dragons forward Jaydn Su’A believes Lomax does not deserve the headlines or the punishment. “I think it’s ridiculous. But that’s not my call to make. If they want to fine him $1,000 … he’s got plenty of money, so it should be sweet,” Su’A said. “I did have a chat to him, he is sweet. I do feel a little bit sorry for him, the media has kind of blown it way out of proportion. But that is what they do I guess. “I don’t think there was any malice in it. “They were former teammates. We see players do that in other teams as well, but they don’t cope the stick that he’s copped this week. I think it’s unfortunate. “He has probably put a target on his head but he thrives under that certain circumstance.”

The off-the-ball encounter, which occurred in the 52nd minute, left Knights David Klemmer enforcer so infuriated he confronted Lomax at full-time. Despite the duo being former teammates, it’s believed Frizell has ignored Lomax’s attempts to apologise after Sunday’s game. Dragons captain Ben Hunt also believes the fine was too harsh but conceded Lomax had done the wrong thing.

“I had a little chat with Zac, I didn’t see it live, I was celebrating the try. I didn’t know what happened. I watched it back and yeah we had a little chat and he knows he was in the wrong,” Hunt said. “He is remorseful for it. It won’t happen again. “I think it’s (fine) a bit much. I’ve seen guys get off for things much worse or what I think is worse.”

Thank you Jaydn Su’A! It's about time the club stopped meekly letting the NRL and media bully our players!
I've said it a few times. I was as surprised by his stupidity as anyone but seriously, they need to give the guy a break. Headlines all weeks for that???? Been a slow news week. And f**k Tyson Frizell too if as they are saying, he is refusing to accept Zac's apology.


They are still making a noise about this! It's literally been in the headlines for 5 days. What's going on? This is not normal.

‘I’m ready to move on’: David Klemmer explains Zac Lomax confrontation​

Newcastle Knights enforcer David Klemmer says he’s moved on from his heated exchange with Dragons centre Zac Lomax, but has encouraged the NRL to punish taunting more harshly if it leads to melees. Lomax caused a stir by jumping on Newcastle’s Tyson Frizell, a former teammate, as the Dragons celebrated a try in their round six win.

The incident sparked a melee at the dead ball line and at full-time – broadcast vision showed Klemmer confronting Lomax about his behaviour. This week, Lomax has been fined and Klemmer has moved on. “Obviously it’s been well documented during the week and I was on camera, having some words with Zac there. It’s all done and dusted. I’m ready to move on with this week,” he said. Klemmer said it bothered him that Lomax had chosen the softly spoken Frizell as his target.

Poor Tyson. I hope he's doing okay now and that he didn't lose too many tears or too much sleep over it.

“I know he was excited and I think he knows Tyson very well,” Klemmer said. “(But) he’s not the type of person to do that to. There are other larrikins in our team that you could probably jump on, but just knowing Tyson personally, I think (Lomax) probably knows now that he shouldn’t have done it to him.” Klemmer said the NRL could consider sin-binning players if the incident were to repeat itself. “I think if it escalates to a melee or a bad melee, definitely they could bring something like that in,” he said. “If it does cause a melee or something, there should be some repercussions.”

Seriously, I think Frizell should be upset with Klemmer. Does he need big, tough David to stand between him and Zac Lomax? And for Klemmar to talk about Frizell's hurt feelings?



St George Illawarra star Zac Lomax addresses controversial incidents​

Lomax defended his actions following a fortnight of controversies that left former teammates Tyson Frizell and Matt Dufty fuming.​

Zac Lomax has apologised for his uncharacteristic “brain-snap” which left Tyson Frizell fuming and ignoring his former teammate after he reached out to say he was sorry. The St George Illawarra centre and NSW hopeful has dominated headlines in recent weeks for everything but his fleet-footwork or his now trademark flick pass.

Instead it was a Fox League segment where Lomax first earnt the ire of another ex-teammate and raised questions about Lomax’s relationship with coach Anthony Griffin. But last Sunday Lomax frustrated the usually laconic Frizell into tossing him to the floor after Lomax taunted the Newcastle Knights forward by jumping on his back to celebrate a Dragons try.

St George Illawarra skipper Ben Hunt, who labelled the incident a “brain-snap” and Griffin spoke with Lomax last week. He was fined $1000 by the NRL. Lomax confirmed he had reached out to Frizell but was yet to hear back. “There was no malice in it,” Lomax said. “I didn’t get a chance to (apologise to Frizell). I had a few interviews that grabbed me.”

Newcastle’s David Klemmer confronted Lomax after the game about the taunting in a match where Lomax kicked a game-defining field goal. The on-field incident followed an off-field drama where Lomax was unwittingly caught up. Canterbury fullback Matt Dufty, who left the Dragons last year, took exception to comments Lomax made when interviewed by Bryan Fletcher and Nathan Hindmarsh on Fox League.

Pwoor widdle Tyson. Lucky he has big David to stick up for him and stop him from getting bullied......