I was thinking of stripping him of captaincy and giving him notice that he's on the verge of playing out his career in the NSW Cup.

I'm fine with him wanting out. Relationships sour. He was close to Hook and Hook was off with a lot of the team. But now it's been denied, he needs to come out and put the media speculation to bed. Announce publicly he's all in for the next two years (even if he isn't behind closed doors) and get on with getting a release quietly or get prepared for 2024. so hopefully he can be much better than he has been this year!
Analysis = True

Chris M

Benny Hunt still at it. "Concedes" he'll be heading back to the Dragons for the pre-season but still wants to go back to QLD (Has nothing to do with money. The fact the market for playmakers has exploded since Benny re-signed) and will be seeking a release again this time next year.

I'm so sick of this! At least Flanno can strip him of captaincy! Tell him he needs to concentrate on his own game without the distraction of being captain.


Benny Hunt still at it. "Concedes" he'll be heading back to the Dragons for the pre-season but still wants to go back to QLD (Has nothing to do with money. The fact the market for playmakers has exploded since Benny re-signed) and will be seeking a release again this time next year.

I'm so sick of this! At least Flanno can strip him of captaincy! Tell him he needs to concentrate on his own game without the distraction of being captain.
TBH, I can't stand Hunt these days but seeing how much props and second rowers are getting paid these days, I think we have Hunt for a absolute bargain for the next two years. If he can get back to his form of the first few rounds of this year.

Chris M

Benny Hunt at it again. I very much doubt this story would be coming out if he didn't leak it, directly or indirectly. And he hasn't moved to shut it down.
At this point before round 1 I'm in favour of stripping him of captaincy and if he's still kicking stones, demoting him to the NSW Cup.



Ben Hunt not the leader Dragons need​

Ben Hunt and new coach Shane Flangan may have ironed out their differences, but even if the Maroons star stays at the club he cannot be allowed to lead it​

How does Ben Hunt remain as St George Illawarra captain? It must be completely disheartening for long suffering Dragons fans to continually hear their skipper publicly concede that the is only staying under duress. Yet again last weekend another story emerged how Hunt still wants to return to Queensland, but new coach Shane Flanagan “is digging his heels in”.

“At this stage, I’ll be heading back to the Dragons for the pre-season,” Hunt told Nine Newspapers. That came on the same day this masthead ran a story quoting Flanagan that the Dragons and Hunt had “ironed out” their differences. Seriously, how could Dragons fans continue to support Hunt when he continues to show such a lack of gratitude, despite pocketing in excess of $1 million-a-season for six years.

But good on the Dragons for standing their ground. If Hunt really wants to return to Queensland no one can stop him from doing that. But he should not be allowed to play for another NRL club for the duration of his existing contract that expires at the end of 2025.

Analysis = true

Chris M


‘Have to accept it’: Hunt reveals contract regret​

Dragons gun Ben Hunt has revealed he has had to “accept” he will be playing for the Red V in 2024 but still wants to move his family back to Queensland. The 33-year-old made a shock decision prior to this year’s Origin series, announcing he was seeking an immediate exit from the Dragons.

God I'm sick of this bloke!

Chris M

All gone quiet regarding Hunt. Wonder what that means. Surely the club can't let him go without sanction again. At least announce he's no longer captain.

Chris M

Media finally talking about this
This part of the conversation would have been interesting coming from Tallis:

“He’s the one with the contract. He has an option if he doesn’t want to be at the Dragons, he can walk away from his million dollar contract, but the NRL should back the Dragons on this and say if you walk away you don’t play until this contract is ceased.”

Former Dragon and league legend Gorden Tallis said Hunt could be having a destabilising impact on the dressing room.

“A young kid walking into the dressing room, you need to know that everybody is on the same page. It is as simple as that,” Tallis said. “If I walked into the dressing room and didn’t know whether my star player or captain was going to play and he’s shopping himself around, I don’t know how I’d feel.”


SGI Jersey Flegg

‘Have to accept it’: Hunt reveals contract regret​

Dragons gun Ben Hunt has revealed he has had to “accept” he will be playing for the Red V in 2024 but still wants to move his family back to Queensland. The 33-year-old made a shock decision prior to this year’s Origin series, announcing he was seeking an immediate exit from the Dragons.

God I'm sick of this bloke!




Ben Hunt earns $1m a year from St George Illawarra. He said during the week, in regards to his future, “Honestly, (the Dragons) are not my first choice”. This is the club captain speaking. It’s a terrible comment.

I received a short and sharp email from a long-time, long-suffering Saints fan. “Piss him off and use the $$$ to start rebuilding.” It sums up the feelings of a growing number of Dragons fans who are completely over him.

Analysis = True




St George Dragons legends have spoken out over million-dollar captain Ben Hunt and his stubborn reluctance to fully commit to the club. Hunt last week said playing for St George Illawarra is “honestly, not my first choice” and “I would prefer to come back home” to Queensland.

His comments have sparked an angry backlash from Dragons fans and former players. Graeme Wynn, a former Origin second-rower who played 199 games for the club, says he is disappointed over the remarks.

“Ben’s captaining one of the most recognised rugby league clubs in the world — and that’s a privilege,” Wynn said. “Once you give your word it’s your word. I never had a contract, just a handshake. “That’s me coming from the country and the way I was brought up. “Flanno needs everyone committed and on the same page. Ben’s got to work it out.”

Former Maroons Origin and Dragons centre Mark Coyne is one of the more considered voices in the game. He never criticises anyone. On Hunt he says: “Ben’s obviously frustrated where’s he’s at. He’s got a personal life and a family. “But I find his statements odd. It’s not great for a club when your captain is saying he potentially doesn’t want to be there.

“It must be confusing and hard for the players to hear their captain say he wants to be somewhere else. “Flanno is there now and he’s going to see a real positive change. Ben’s our best player and I’m hopeful it gives him confidence the club is turning things around.”

Coach Shane Flanagan remains adamant Hunt is staying. “Ben will be here next year, he’s confirmed that,” Flanagan said. “He’s got a contract at the Dragons — and we need him. “Ben will work hard and be ready for next year.”

Analysis = False


SGI Jersey Flegg


St George Dragons legends have spoken out over million-dollar captain Ben Hunt and his stubborn reluctance to fully commit to the club. Hunt last week said playing for St George Illawarra is “honestly, not my first choice” and “I would prefer to come back home” to Queensland.

His comments have sparked an angry backlash from Dragons fans and former players. Graeme Wynn, a former Origin second-rower who played 199 games for the club, says he is disappointed over the remarks.

“Ben’s captaining one of the most recognised rugby league clubs in the world — and that’s a privilege,” Wynn said. “Once you give your word it’s your word. I never had a contract, just a handshake. “That’s me coming from the country and the way I was brought up. “Flanno needs everyone committed and on the same page. Ben’s got to work it out.”

Former Maroons Origin and Dragons centre Mark Coyne is one of the more considered voices in the game. He never criticises anyone. On Hunt he says: “Ben’s obviously frustrated where’s he’s at. He’s got a personal life and a family. “But I find his statements odd. It’s not great for a club when your captain is saying he potentially doesn’t want to be there.

“It must be confusing and hard for the players to hear their captain say he wants to be somewhere else. “Flanno is there now and he’s going to see a real positive change. Ben’s our best player and I’m hopeful it gives him confidence the club is turning things around.”

Coach Shane Flanagan remains adamant Hunt is staying. “Ben will be here next year, he’s confirmed that,” Flanagan said. “He’s got a contract at the Dragons — and we need him. “Ben will work hard and be ready for next year.”

Analysis = False
I say PISS HIM OFF ...... he has done his dash with me , if he was playing in my day and he was the captain and didn't want to be there , I would have pulled him aside after training and belted him .....