Was just thinking that.What a poor crowd. Foran is definitely playing injured and of course ill discipline gives away the 1st penalty
Was just thinking that.What a poor crowd. Foran is definitely playing injured and of course ill discipline gives away the 1st penalty
That was tough. Sully just couldn't get a good hold of him.I'll discipline again and again and now a horrible defensive lapse
But the offside penalty was stupid. Was it Bird who was standing 2m in front of the ref.I'll discipline again and again and now a horrible defensive lapse
Ever heard of legs Sully. He cant match him in an arm wrestle. Junior would have nailed him. Our defense coach will be spitting chips.That was tough. Sully just couldn't get a good hold of him.
Yep. Should have made the tackle but just couldn't complete it.Even heard of legs. He cant match him in an arm wrestle. Our defense coach will be spitting chips.
Yes please and give the gig to Ben Woolf for remainder of the season.Bye Hook!
Sounds familiar that. This at Titans home ground?Looks like after the initial period of being fired up, the fire has been doused
Hope so the 2nd try was his faultWas Bird hooked? He's usually on for longer.