2022 World Swimming Championships.


The Aussie Dolphins will return to elite competition in Budapest, Hungary tomorrow for the World Swimming Champs.

Tokyo Gold medalists Kaylee McKeown and Zac Stubblety-Cook, former Olympic medalists, Kyle Chalmers, Mitch Larkin and Mack Horton plus comeback girl Shayna Jack and the emerging Mollie O'Callahan will headline the 39 member Dolphins squad. The most glaring omissions are multi Olympic medalists Ariane Titmus, Emma McKeon and the Campbell sisters, Kate and Bronte. Other than the latter two, the rest have opted instead for the Commonwealth Games.

Backstroke specialist Kaylee McKeown will also be highly favoured to back up her Olympic form as well as demonstrate her potential in the 200m individual medley. A race dominated by Hungarian superstar Katinka Hosszu over the past decade. if McKeown can beat the local champion in her home pool, it would mark a significant changing of the guard.
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In other swimming news Swimming Australia has announced the 32 Junior Dolphins for the Junior Pan Pacific Championships in Hawaii in August. In addition 25 rookie Aussies will compete in the US National Championships in July. The teams were selected following performances at the recent Australian Open and Australian Age Championships.


In other swimming news Swimming Australia has announced the 32 Junior Dolphins for the Junior Pan Pacific Championships in Hawaii in August. In addition 25 rookie Aussies will compete in the US National Championships in July. The teams were selected following performances at the recent Australian Open and Australian Age Championships.
You are the epitome of a sports enthusiast! Are Russian and Belarusian swimmers allowed? How about unvaxxeed?


You are the epitome of a sports enthusiast!
My three favorite sports happen to be the ones I am posting on, league, cricket, swimming.
Are Russian and Belarusian swimmers allowed? How about unvaxxeed?
No. Both nations banned not only from swimming but also from other world aquatic competitions, diving and water polo. Not sure about the unvaxed.


Making a mockery of international sport!
Have to agree fellars. These dedicated sports men and women did not invade Ukraine. Most are probably against the war.
Perhaps there is an ulterior motive for their banishment, other than yours Eric Eric. The outcry they would likely have encountered from the public, which would certainly tarnish such an elite sporting event.
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Have to agree fellars. These dedicated sports men and women did not invade Ukraine. Most are probably against the war.
Perhaps there is an ulterior motive for their banishment. The outcry they would likely have encountered from the public, which would tarnish such an elite sporting event.
Very doubtful they woud have gotten a hostile reception in Hungry where the popular government is famously hostile the government of the Ukraine. The president of Hungary is on an unofficial kill list of the Ukrainian government. The list is 100% official but it's not officially a kill list. Just everyone on it whom the Ukrainian government (mostly Ukrainian journalists and bloggers along with a Jewish-Ukrainian MMA fighter) has captured have been confirmed killed or disappeared.

The junior competition in Hawaii may have been a problem but I'm sure they would have expected a hostile reception and may not care.


Very doubtful they woud have gotten a hostile reception in Hungry where the popular government is famously hostile the government of the Ukraine. The president of Hungary is on an unofficial kill list of the Ukrainian government. The list is 100% official but it's not officially a kill list. Just everyone on it whom the Ukrainian government (mostly Ukrainian journalists and bloggers along with a Jewish-Ukrainian MMA fighter) has captured have been confirmed killed or disappeared.

The junior competition in Hawaii may have been a problem but I'm sure they would have expected a hostile reception and may not care.


Another reason could be to create an atmosphere of revolution in the Russian sporting community against their autocratic leaders.


Another reason could be to create an atmosphere of revolution in the Russian sporting community against their autocratic leaders.
I think that may be part pf the reason which is even worse than just unfair competition. They are using sports people as political pawns. And that aside, it's extremely improbable to have that effect.

Chris M

Very doubtful they woud have gotten a hostile reception in Hungry where the popular government is famously hostile the government of the Ukraine. The president of Hungary is on an unofficial kill list of the Ukrainian government. The list is 100% official but it's not officially a kill list. Just everyone on it whom the Ukrainian government (mostly Ukrainian journalists and bloggers along with a Jewish-Ukrainian MMA fighter) has captured have been confirmed killed or disappeared.

The junior competition in Hawaii may have been a problem but I'm sure they would have expected a hostile reception and may not care.
What did the MMA fighter do?


What did the MMA fighter do?
It's what he didn't do. He used to train in Russia, with Khabib no less. He had pics of him with prominent Russians including the Chechen boss Kadyrov on his social media. He refused to remove them and to denounce Russia so Ukrainians tortured him to death.
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It's what he didn't do. He used to train in Russia, with Khabib no less. He had pics of him with prominent Russians including the Chechen boss Kadyrov on his social media. He refused to remove them and to denounce Russia so Ukrainians tortured him to death.
It’s a really bad situation for all involved. Lets hope it ends soon.

But in the meantime, don't make sport collateral damage!


Going to be a slow week and a half. Why not discuss swimming and politics. Speaking of swimming and politics, if Shanya Jack wins a gold medal, I wonder if the other swimmers from Australia, USA, UK will refuse to stand on the dais with her.


Going to be a slow week and a half. Why not discuss swimming and politics. Speaking of swimming and politics, if Shanya Jack wins a gold medal, I wonder if the other swimmers from Australia, USA, UK will refuse to stand on the dais with her.
Excuse me but WTF are you talking about? I know about that swimmer who was caught doping but it's so vague these days. Many experts insist many drugs which are banned are absolutely not performance enhancing. That's why lesser penalties exist for people like Shayna Jack. She has done the time, now she is free to go. Good luck to her.


Excuse me but WTF are you talking about? I know about that swimmer who was caught doping but it's so vague these days. Many experts insist many drugs which are banned are absolutely not performance enhancing. That's why lesser penalties exist for people like Shayna Jack. She has done the time, now she is free to go. Good luck to her.
I agree with you. 3 or 4 years ago there was a Chinese swimmer who had some trouble with doping. Did he or didn't he cheat? It wasn't clear cut. He was suspended and then on appeal, cleared to return to competition and then won one or two gold medals. In at least one of the races, his arch rival was an Australian, Mac Horton, who refused to stand on the dais to accept his silver medal. In another race, a British swimmer did the same thing. But in a race in an earlier competition when the roles were reversed, he had no problem standing on the dais to accept the gold medal.

The moral of the story, play to the whistle, not on what you think should happen. Good luck to Shayna Jack. If she wins or gets a medal, she won it fairly. As did the Chinese swimmer.


Very doubtful they woud have gotten a hostile reception in Hungry where the popular government is famously hostile the government of the Ukraine.
The public are not only Hungarians.. perhaps I should have said spectators as only a percentage will be locals.