Griffin & Hunt


To play fullback? You don't think Sloan is going to make it? He does some really good things but needs to do much more of it.
No not necessarily. Didn't the Knights just move Ponga to 5/8. If so he could play half too.
Sloan will make it, just not sure in what position. He has ball skills, speed to burn, but needs work on his defense. At fullback there is nowhere to hide when you are the last line of defense. I'd like to see him get a crack at a combo with Amone to be perfectly honest.


No not necessarily. Didn't the Knights just move Ponga to 5/8. If so he could play half too.
Sloan will make it, just not sure in what position. He has ball skills, speed to burn, but needs work on his defense. At fullback there is nowhere to hide when you are the last line of defense. I'd like to see him get a crack at a combo with Amone to be perfectly honest.
Sloan in the halves? Would really, really need to work on his defence.

Chris M

Mate he is no worse than Hunt who topped the comp, two seasons on the trot (stand corrected) one definitely, for missed tackles and ineffective defense. Reason he is hidden deep in our back line when the opposition have the ball. Marshall used to be there also, our best ever speed hump. Betting Sloan turns out a better defender than both of them imho, he already has ball skills the equal if not better than Marshall, so is well suited for the halves.
Marshall did ok, better than ok, after he got out from Paul McGregor regime.
He has brilliant ball skills, so how has he failed.
I didn't see the game but heard he had a shocker in his one full game at fullback. Last week. So far he has failed but might come good.


Marshall did ok, better than ok, after he got out from Paul McGregor regime.
Widdop outplayed him during their three seasons as a combo, simple as that. Too often Marshall overplayed his hand, forcing supports into touch and other stupid plays.


God I'm sick of this! Rumour that Ben Hunt might be headed back to QLD if, or when, Griffin is sacked. When it happens the club should demand Hunt immediately put the speculation to bed or get on his horse and get out of town.

Chris M

God I'm sick of this! Rumour that Ben Hunt might be headed back to QLD if, or when, Griffin is sacked. When it happens the club should demand Hunt immediately put the speculation to bed or get on his horse and get out of town.


Hunt is fiercely loyal to fellow Rockhampton export Anthony Griffin but the Dragons coach is expected to be sacked any day now. Hunt came out swinging for the coach he first played under in the Broncos under-20 side back in 2007, suggesting he could leave the club if Griffin was axed.

The veteran declared he wanted to win a premiership and didn’t have the time for a rebuild at the Dragons under a new coach. There would be no shortage of clubs keen on Hunt’s signature, however as things stand he’s signed until 2025 on a deal worth over $1 million per season.

“He’s got a family to consider, but I think I’ve read that he wants to win a comp and doesn’t want to reset as such,” Cronk said. “At his age, he only played in one grand final, if he thinks the Dragons are the club that can win that comp for him then stay but if that’s somewhere else then by all means go after it. “He’s given the game a hell of a lot of service and if he wants to win a grand final ring then he’s entitled to do what he wants to do.”

But Tallis doesn’t think he’ll be leaving, suggesting rival clubs wouldn’t be able to fit his huge salary under their caps. “You would think so, he’s on good money and he’s not getting any younger,” Tallis said.



Hunt worthy of Joey comparisons as he hits 300 milestone​

My chuckle of the week. While I congratulate Ben for reaching this milestone, for Ian Millward to compare him with Joey Johns is way off the mark. Perhaps in longevity but hardly in playing skills. Betting Joey records double try assists to Ben, that is tries created using ball skills, not kicking. Even then they probably tie. Joey would also tackle him under the table. Has Ben actually played for his country in the same position as his club? I rest my case Ian Millward.
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Chris M


Hunt worthy of Joey comparisons as he hits 300 milestone​

My chuckle of the week. While I congratulate Ben for reaching this milestone, for Ian Millward to compare him with Joey Johns is way off the mark. Betting Joey records double try assists to Ben, that is tries created using ball skills, not kicking. Even then they probably tie. Joey would also tackle him under the table. Has Ben actually played for his country in the same position as his club? I rest my case Ian Millward.
Agree 100%. To make 300 games is a great achievement. Comparing his favourably with Andrew Johns is ridiculous.


until 2025 on a deal worth over $1 million per season.
Why the bloody hell did we commit him when there was more than speculation he'd follow Griffin out the door as the pair are joined at the hip. Now we have committed, what other club can fork out the same coin for him that we inexplicably can. Reading between the lines he wants out as he can not see us winning a comp by 2025, be lucky to even reach the semis. Well done FO, left us with a not totally loyal, past it, over paid player who is causing a bottle neck for promising juniors.
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Chris M

Why the bloody hell did we commit him when there was more than speculation he'd follow Griffin out the door as the pair are joined at the hip. Now we have committed what other club can get him under their cap as we unbelievably can. Reading between the lines he wants out as he can not see us winning a comp by 2025, be lucky to even reach the semis. Well done FO, left us with a not totally loyal, past it, over paid player who is causing a bottle neck for promising juniors.
I can only guess it has something to do with sponsorship or something related to finances. At the end of this year as the perfect time to part ways with hm. He's already going downhill.

Water under the bridge now. Now it's just a question of how to mitigate it.


SGI Jersey Flegg
I said all this before season started , that we would go close to getting the spoon , and that Hunt would not have the same season as he did last year , and them signing Hook before a ball was kicked , that it would all come back and bite us on the arse .......


This is the team the interim or next head coach should go with now our season is over. This may give us much needed go foward something sadly lacking since the Roosters match. Like I say Sloan/ Amone talents being wasted so time for experimenting. Who knows. Time to also give some of our peforming Ressie blokes a crack too.

Max Feagai/Rava
Sione Finau/Tamale
Sullivan/Hunt (interchanging)
Josh Coric
Hunt/Liddle (interchanging)
Toby Couchman
Sua/Mike Molo

Bird/Ryan Couchman

Chris M

This is the team the interim or next head coach should go with now our season is over. This may give us much needed go foward something sadly lacking since the Roosters match. Like I say Sloan/ Amone talents being wasted so time for experimenting. Who knows. Time to also give some of our peforming Ressie blokes a crack too.

Max Feagai/Rava
Sione Finau/Tamale
Sullivan/Hunt (interchanging)
Josh Coric
Hunt/Liddle (interchanging)
Toby Couchman
Sua/Mike Molo

Bird/Ryan Couchman
I like the idea of Amone at the back. One last chance to show something.
Don't like the idea of Sloan at 5/8. You think Amone's defence is bad! Wait for Sloan at 5/8.
Isn't it time we started talking about Su'a? He's been far from the worst but really not very good either.

Pro Dragons

SGI Junior League
Hunt is highly regarded by just about every NRL commentator, opposition coach and players. As captain he should be seen to support the current coach but to say if Griffin is sacked he does not want to start over again is not what the club wants to hear. If the club is paying you mega bucks you are expected to step out of your comfort zone to get the team you lead to start winning games. Hunt is our best player by a country mile. I hope he stays on, leads by example by supporting the new coach and brings back the winning culture to the mighty RED V.