Recruitment and Retention for 2024


SGI Jersey Flegg
Money is the root of all evil as the proverb goes. Well it certainly is in footy. We bring an adequate hooker our club from Qld, then pay him twice over what he is worth and give him is favored spot. In six frustrating years he has never given this club value for money. On the flip side, arguably our best ever lock of the modern era has always given us value for money, yet when he reaches a certain age instead of being rewarded for his loyalty by being extended at least another year, he is sent out to pasture instead of being allowed to finish with the club that he'd bleed for.
Loyalty is a two way street, he was on big money while he spent 2.5 years "away" and when he came back and we signed him up again he was talking to the Warriors and we ended up paying him $750k per year to stay another 2 years, he isn't worth that amount now, we have made an offer and his manager is seeing what's available, up to him to either accept the offer or he can accept someone else's, maybe he can show us some loyalty..


Loyalty is a two way street, he was on big money while he spent 2.5 years "away" and when he came back and we signed him up again he was talking to the Warriors and we ended up paying him $750k per year to stay another 2 years, he isn't worth that amount now, we have made an offer and his manager is seeing what's available, up to him to either accept the offer or he can accept someone else's, maybe he can show us some loyalty..
Ah loyalty, a long gone and forgotten niche in life.


Fifita will go to the Roosters only because of other payments and after career opportunities and payments not included under the salary cap. Plus they are more likely than not to get to a GF in the next 3 yrs
Does anyone believe he isn't getting paid x2 after retirement whats registered in the cap???


Loyalty is a two way street, he was on big money while he spent 2.5 years "away" and when he came back and we signed him up again he was talking to the Warriors and we ended up paying him $750k per year to stay another 2 years, he isn't worth that amount now, we have made an offer and his manager is seeing what's available, up to him to either accept the offer or he can accept someone else's, maybe he can show us some loyalty..
I just don't know for a few reasons.
1. It wasn't his fault. He was unjustly accused and the cops had to fabricate evidence to make charges stick.
2. If the club didn't fight the NRL for at very least compensation for his salary, the ringleaders, Brian Johnston and a few others should be arrested and jailed for bringing club into disrepute. The fact the club didn't fight the NRL over the suspension was criminal enough.
3. It was my understanding the Warriors offered significantly more.
4. Stupidly insulting offers usually mean it's a face saving way for the club to say, "We wanted to keep him." Though well run clubs don't bother with that.
5. 750k is surely too much (though I wonder how much Frank Molo is on. Because JDB deserves double that.) but over in the JDB thread it seems he was offered significantly less than 500k.


SGI Jersey Flegg
I'm worried the recruitment team think too highly of themselves & the club as a destination for potential recruits. I've got zero confidence in Flanno & the current recruitment team to obtain quality players.

Do I think we could land some potential gun youngsters? Yes, easy to sell them on opportunity for 1st grade.
Do I think we can land proven quality players? Hell no.

Chris M

I'm worried the recruitment team think too highly of themselves & the club as a destination for potential recruits. I've got zero confidence in Flanno & the current recruitment team to obtain quality players.

Do I think we could land some potential gun youngsters? Yes, easy to sell them on opportunity for 1st grade.
Do I think we can land proven quality players? Hell no.
Flanno won't give any a chance. Couchman's were among the better forwards last year under Carr, this year they are kicking down doors in NSW Cup but still can't get a look in despite the first grade team playing so badly. It's comical!


Perhaps the real issues lie with the players managers who since 2021 have put the Dragons last cab off the rank. Is there a big issue between club management and the players managers? Is it because of our poor club and team culture and discipline?


Perhaps the real issues lie with the players managers who since 2021 have put the Dragons last cab off the rank. Is there a big issue between club management and the players managers? Is it because of our poor club and team culture and discipline?
I would have thought player managers try to send their clients wherever they can make the most money because player managers get a % of that. Though the Roosters probably have a separate deal where they pay player managers extra off the cap.