Round 18: vs Sydney Roosters


Flanno Jr is only half the problem, our so called leader and captain is the rest. The coach and the Board have to get real and send him packing after this season. You could count the good ball in hand plays he does a season on two hands. He did one yesterday, the chip, chase and regather. Unfortunately he messed it up with that panic pass to Jack that bounced off his noggin and gifted the Rorters another nail for our coffin.
I'm no fan of Hunt but he has some good games. Not enough to justify his (reported) salary but some good games.


He needs a bit more help from forwards and halves.
In defense? Reckon so. His one on ones have improved, tho prefer he went low rather than chest. The big blokes cant run without pins but can release the arm from a mistimed ball and all tackle..


So that his attack is better and more consistent.
Yeh, he is an attacking machine but does not have the ball in his hands in space often despite him sniffing around the ball carrier more these days. The forwards need to be making bigger ms too with quick play the balls so when he slots into dummy half he can back his acceleration against the markers. I saw him do that once out of at least half a dozen times because of the poor go forward of the pack.


Agree but the biggest problem by some margin is Kyle Flanagan.
Why? I keep having to ask this. He is not the prime play maker/game manager. HUNT IS. His ball play is as good if not better than Hunts, ditto his defense. His kicking and running is passable, just wish he'd do more of the latter as he has a step and is no slouch. Just put away the dummy as more times than not it stifles a promising attacking movement.
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Why? I keep having to ask this. He is not the prime play maker/game manager. HUNT IS.
Because he is useless? What is he supposed to be doing if he isn't a playmaker / game manager? Is he in for his devastating running game? Or kicking that terrorises fullbacks and wingers? Or big hitting defence? Maybe he could take Eisenhuths place in the team.

Chris M

Because he is useless? What is he supposed to be doing if he isn't a playmaker / game manager? Is he in for his devastating running game? Or kicking that terrorises fullbacks and wingers? Or big hitting defence? Maybe he could take Eisenhuths place in the team.
I said yesterday his position in the team is being the coaches son. That what his job is.


What is he supposed to be doing if he isn't a playmaker / game manager?
Neither are natural play makers but SF has given KF the task of sharing that role because Hunt is useless at it solo. The 5/8 is usually the runner/ backer upper part of the halves partnership with the half the organizing part. Looks to me that Hunts lack of creativity is stifling KFs natural running game. His old man has to either sack Hunt as the prime organizer and get someone that can and leave his son to play the usual 5/8 role. Or sack the both of them and bring in a completely new halves combo. But we all know he wont do either so the pair will continue to produce mediocrity and we will stay in the bottom half of the comp.
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Neither are play makers/game managers but SF has given KF the task of sharing that role because Hunt is useless at the role on his own. The 5/8 is usually the runner/ backer upper part of the halves partnership with the half the organizing part. Looks to me that Hunts lack of creativity is stifling the best part of KFs game, running.
Hunt needs help for sure but which half doesn't? Which 5/8 doesn't? It's a game of 13 on each side and every player has a role to play. To call running the best part of Kyle's game is biggest criticism I've seen of him yet. His running game is so bad it's a comedy. In the early part of the season he scored twice off a dummy and run. Since them no one is falling for it but he keeps doing it several times a game even when we have numbers on the outside.

I don't mean to defend Hunt. If you wanted to argue Kyle is providing better value for money, I might agree. But Kyle is an embarrassment of a 5/8 and Hunt is an overpaid halfback. Very good hooker though. But only for 40min a game.

Red T

SGI Jersey Flegg
Router’s could be contenders this year. It turned when Hunt kicked the ball into JDB’s head…..But why are there no questions about Kyle at the press conferences ? Maybe Flanno has banned Kyle questions ! I think he would do okay in the Super League—-but not the NRL…If Jesse goes well this week then he should replace Kyle.


SGI Jersey Flegg
Flanno Jr is only half the problem, our so called leader and captain is the rest. The coach and the Board have to get real and send him packing after this season. He has overstayed his welcome big time. You could count the good ball in hand plays he does a season on two hands. He did one yesterday, the chip, chase and regather. Unfortunately he messed it up with that panic pass to Jack that bounced off his noggin and gifted the Rorters another nail for our coffin.
Young Flanno has had only a hand full of games compared to the Sook , so for me its all on Hunt ......


To call running the best part of Kyle's game is biggest criticism I've seen of him yet.
You are missing the fact that he was initially signed to play hooker which these days is not having your head bashed in a scrum but taking on slow and lazy markers and distributing the leather. His other asset is to be a good defender. That is a role I reckon Flanagan could have handled. It is also the role we should have handed Hunt when he came here.
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You are missing the fact that he was initially signed to play hooker which these days is not having your head bashed in a scrum but taking on slow and lazy markers and distributing the leather. His other asset is to be a good defender. That is a role I reckon Flanagan could handle.
Agree complety. Give him a chance to play in the position Flanno says he was signed for. On the bench as injury cover and to give Liddle a break. JUST STOP SELECTING HIM AS A STARTING 5/8. HE'S EMBARRASSING HIMSELF.


Young Flanno has had only a hand full of games compared to the Sook , so for me its all on Hunt ......
16 this year. Similar numbers at other clubs until he was dropped. Including Bullgrubs who prefer to use GC back up halfback.