
Sully has not grabbed the chance given to steal his mates spot. In a word.. disappointing. Amone will have to impress from a position he is not familiar with, hooker, having shown that to be the case in his only two games.
Amone has been disappointing for a year and a half. At last Sully can tackle.


I keep saying it the kid has ball skills, so give him a crack in the halves. Can still use his silky running game but will also have the ball in his hands more to get some structure into our attack, his defense will improve too there. I dont understand why the coaches cant see this.
But attack is only one half of the game. Sloans fullback defence is embarrassing. Imagine him in the halves!


Amone has been disappointing for a year and a half. At last Sully can tackle.
I think Griffin told him to put away his running game and become a ball-player to suit Hunt's running game and lack of ball-playing. Just my views.


FO is incompetent, hard to argue with, but could have been handled a lot better, not through media leaks from Origin camp.
And if he wasn't being offered more money to leave, he'd probably be much "happier".


I think Griffin told him to put away his running game and become a ball-player to suit Hunt's running game and lack of ball-playing. Just my views.
Spot on, my view too. We saw in that Ressie game that he does possess excellent ball skills and even game management skills.


Sloans fullback defence is embarrassing.
I admit he needs to stiffen it, bulk up 5k will do that. What is embarrassing is Feagai and Rava leaving their wings exposed and making Sloan as last line of defense face big outside backs in full cry almost on his own as we have a poor sliding defense which is letting down the kid.


Was just reading the Origin rating for each player. They commented on how Ben Hunt was barely even a shadow of previous years. It's been the case at club level also. I agree it's good to push for a player swap but even if not, getting Hunt off the books would be a coup for the team in my opinion.


How frustrating is it as diehard fans that we have to put up with this recalcitrance by the people running our club over the fate of Ben Hunt. The guy is mentally and physically cooked, yet the BOD seem blind to the fact. Grow a brain you suits and please move him on with a swap deal that benefits us, so we can resume the first steps to being a great club again.
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SGI Jersey Flegg
How frustrating is it as diehard fans that we have to put up with this recalcitrance by the people running our club over the fate of Ben Hunt. The guy is mentally and physically cooked, yet the BOD seem blind to the fact. Grow a brain you suits and please move him on with a swap deal that benefits us, so we can resume the first steps to being a great club again.
Things have gone quiet regarding Hunt. Hopefully that means the club has told him to STFU while it organises a player swap.


We are supposed to be chasing Tino and Fifita, problem is Tino has only today enacted the clause to make him a free agent while his mate is yet to do the same. Ok FO now move pronto on Tino.


We are supposed to be chasing Tino and Fifita, problem is Tino has only today enacted the clause to make him a free agent while his mate is yet to do the same. Ok FO now move pronto on Tino.
Good player but they are talking about a mil a year for him. Hope the Dragons aren't considering that. Payne Haas is the only prop worth more than about 850k for me. And Tino is probably the second best worth about 850k.

Chris M



In the eyes of many, the Dragons final two months of the season will also be the final days of Ben Hunt in the Red V. His release request has been rejected - for now. It’s guaranteed to flare-up again at the end of the season. With young half Jayden Sullivan (hamstring) gone for the next six weeks, just how Hunt leads the side and carries himself over the remainder of this season will prove telling in how he’s treated by fans and management.


And Tino is probably the second best worth about 850k.
You seem disturbed by the money being bandied about, as fact is that is what is needed today to snaffle elite players. We did it back in 2018 to start the trend but our catch has never been elite level. Tino is the club captain and a Kangaroo, an elite player worth paying for. I still say he wont leave the Titans unless his little brother comes with him. Is Flanno aware of this.


You seem disturbed by the money being bandied about, as fact is that is what is needed today to snaffle elite players. We did it back in 2018 to start the trend but our catch has never been elite level. Tino is the club captain and a Kangaroo, an elite player worth paying for. I still say he wont leave the Titans unless his little brother comes with him. Is Flanno aware of this.
Maybe. I just think a player on 1 mil or more should be a spine player or only a very special talent like Haas.


Flanno seems to think Hunt is sticking around. Hope it's not true.
Personally I'm not against Hunt hanging around because I don't rate him or because of the way he's carried on this season. Even though I don't like that. I was an outlier early on saying I think he's a good player and it's Mary's fault he wasn't playing well. But now I just think:
  • This year was the right to time to part ways with him because his game is on the slide.
  • As the highest paid player, captain and playmaker, he hasn't had the results.
  • He is 33. He's not going to get any better no matter who he has around him or who the coach is.
I also rated Barrett and Widdop but wasn't disappointed to see them go because they also weren't getting the results. Not saying it was their fault but as the highest paid player, main playmaker and captain, IMO they had more responsibility than anyone else. And so it is with Hunt.

Chris M

Flanno seems to think Hunt is sticking around. Hope it's not true.
Personally I'm not against Hunt hanging around because I don't rate him or because of the way he's carried on this season. Even though I don't like that. I was an outlier early on saying I think he's a good player and it's Mary's fault he wasn't playing well. But now I just think:
  • This year was the right to time to part ways with him because his game is on the slide.
  • As the highest paid player, captain and playmaker, he hasn't had the results.
  • He is 33. He's not going to get any better no matter who he has around him or who the coach is.
I also rated Barrett and Widdop but wasn't disappointed to see them go because they also weren't getting the results. Not saying it was their fault but as the highest paid player, main playmaker and captain, IMO they had more responsibility than anyone else. And so it is with Hunt.
As long as Flanno has made clear to Hunt he will play hooker if it's in the best interests of the team!