
Technically speaking(y). Of course you are right but technically speaking, he's a former Dragons player. Though our excellent allies, South Sydney are pushing hard for Hornby. Our front office is just pathetic enough to take that seriously while any competent organisation would rule it out immediately.

Any competent organisation would rule it out immediately and make clear that they pay no attention at all as to what competitors want.

Seriously, I don't follow other teams but I'm wondering if they are so pathetic that they allow rivals to dictate recruitment and retention decisions. If the Dragons weighed in on the next head coach or marquee signing for the Rorters or Souffs, they'd be laughed out of town. But when those `(%#$ weigh in on who we should recruit, it must be taken very seriously.......
And therein lies the problem with our current inept board. My gut feeling is that if it comes down to the board vote Flanagan may well be our next coach as he has the backing of the Win side of the board. If that's the case it begs the question why he wasn't retained this season? Was it a financial reason? I agree with you in regards to other clubs putting forward their asst coaches. The glowing statements being made by Souths in regards to Hornby is breaking an unwritten rule of the NRL community " Do not openly comment about another club", especially one that is struggling and grappling with internal turmoil. It bemuses me.


And therein lies the problem with our current inept board. My gut feeling is that if it comes down to the board vote Flanagan may well be our next coach as he has the backing of the Win side of the board. If that's the case it begs the question why he wasn't retained this season? Was it a financial reason? I agree with you in regards to other clubs putting forward their asst coaches. The glowing statements being made by Souths in regards to Hornby is breaking an unwritten rule of the NRL community " Do not openly comment about another club", especially one that is struggling and grappling with internal turmoil. It bemuses me.
Now all we have to wait for is the Sharks recommending the Dragons next head coach. That will officially be rock bottom.


Opposition coaches recommending their assistants to another club, something fishy about this. If Demetriu values Hornby he'd not be offering his services elsewhere. The Cowboys coach Todd Payten said the same of Dean Young.


And therein lies the problem with our current inept board. My gut feeling is that if it comes down to the board vote Flanagan may well be our next coach as he has the backing of the Win side of the board. If that's the case it begs the question why he wasn't retained this season? Was it a financial reason? I agree with you in regards to other clubs putting forward their asst coaches. The glowing statements being made by Souths in regards to Hornby is breaking an unwritten rule of the NRL community " Do not openly comment about another club", especially one that is struggling and grappling with internal turmoil. It bemuses me.
Is this because the WIN side of the JV is seen as the stronger over the St George side? Hell we financed this JV and virtually saved the Steelers arses and now they hold the strength on the Board. This JV stinks.

I said the same about Flanagan. Makes no sense letting him leave and then bringing him back. Is what I am reading about all this, that the WIN side wanted Flanaghan retained while the Dragons side want the Griffin/Hunt partnership to remain as the status quo? Like I say this JV aint working, too many pulling different ways. No wonder the club is in such turmoil.
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And therein lies the problem with our current inept board. My gut feeling is that if it comes down to the board vote Flanagan may well be our next coach as he has the backing of the Win side of the board. If that's the case it begs the question why he wasn't retained this season? Was it a financial reason? I agree with you in regards to other clubs putting forward their asst coaches. The glowing statements being made by Souths in regards to Hornby is breaking an unwritten rule of the NRL community " Do not openly comment about another club", especially one that is struggling and grappling with internal turmoil. It bemuses me.
Opposition coaches recommending their assistants to another club, something fishy about this. If Demetriu values Hornby he'd not be offering his services elsewhere. The Cowboys coach Todd Payten said the same of Dean Young.
Notice the Rorters aren't pushing for Ryles and Manly aren't pushing for Flanagan. But North QLD and Souffs are pushing for us to appoint Young and Hornby.


Chuckle of the week, from Griffin. quote " I am enjoying myself here (Dragons). The man must be a masochist if he likes being beaten up from all sides week after week, except from his only playing ally Ben Hunt, who does not want to start fresh so late in his career with a new coach. Boo hoo Benny. If you can not stand losing Griffin, then go with him. You are not indispensable.


Chuckle of the week, from Griffin. quote " I am enjoying myself here (Dragons). The man must be a masochist if he likes being beaten up from all sides week after week, except from his only playing ally Ben Hunt, who does not want to start fresh so late in his career with a new coach. Boo hoo Benny. If you can not stand losing Griffin, then go with him. You are not indispensable.
No matter what one thinks of his as a players/halfback/playmaker/captain it's past time for him to STFU regarding the coach. This one has had ample opportunity to turn the team around after Baldy McGregor but has only gotten worse!


No, no, no! It has to be Hasler or Flanagan. Only 2 choices!
One option is appoint one of them for two years with an assistant who takes over after the coaches tenure expires. So which assistants, only two here as well, Jason Ryles and and Josh Hannay who has big wraps. Why haven't the names of both our own assistants Ryan Carr and Ben Wolff been thrown into the ring, not seen as head coach material? Has Carr, who will be interum if Griffin is sacked mid season, already told FO he is not interested in a permanent head coaching role? Been reading too that Nathan Brown is seem as more suitable for R&R or a management position rather than head coach. Perhaps correct as I can still see the day he slapped the mush of Trent Barret. Just quietly what was Browns record when with us, anyone recall.
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Chris M

One option is appoint one of them for two years with an assistant who takes over after the coaches tenure expires. So which assistants, only two here as well, Jason Ryles and and Josh Hannay who has big wraps. Why haven't the names of both our own assistants Ryan Carr and Ben Wolff been thrown into the ring, not seen as head coach material? Has Carr, who will be interum if Griffin is sacked mid season, already told FO he is not interested in a permanent head coaching role? Been reading too that Nathan Brown is seem as more suitable for R&R or a management position rather than head coach. Perhaps correct as I can still see the day he slapped the mush of Trent Barret. Just quietly what was Browns record when with us, anyone recall.
  • If Flanno or Desmond are chosen and they turn the team around, the club will want them to hang around for much longer than 2 years.
  • Good question about Carr and Wolff. Seems not under consideration.
  • Brown has said he doesn't want to be head coach but he's being considered for recruitment manager or even general manager. Not sure what qualifications he has for the latter.
  • Brown's record in a team that contained Gaz, Coops, Baz, Lance Thomson, Craig Smith, Luke Baily, Ryles, Brent Kite and I think Hornby and Young started their careers in that team, was average at best. Only got worse at Newcastle and the Warriors but was very good in the ESL.


SGI Jersey Flegg
Chuckle of the week, from Griffin. quote " I am enjoying myself here (Dragons). The man must be a masochist if he likes being beaten up from all sides week after week, except from his only playing ally Ben Hunt, who does not want to start fresh so late in his career with a new coach. Boo hoo Benny. If you can not stand losing Griffin, then go with him. You are not indispensable.
This ......


Mate Ben Hunt is just showing a quality that you do look in a Captain and that is loyalty. If I were still coaching and my captain came out and said those things I would be grateful. However I would sit him down and say thank you but the writing is on the wall and I'm going to leave before I am unceremoniously dumped. Unfortunately as a coach of any team the ultimate measuring stick is how successful have you been no matter what sport. Personally before the board meets next week I would gather the players before the game against the Raiders and inform them of my intention to resign and thank them for their efforts and wish them luck in the future with their careers. Come Monday I'd be gone. It's a hard thing to do and I have unfortunately done this myself. It hurts, it hurts like hell but you know when it is time, and now is the time for Griffin to walk out with his dignity
Unfortunately this hasn't happened and if it hasn't by now, I think it won't happen. Lack of pride in his performance. IMO when one fails so miserably one really should fall on one's sword, metaphorically speaking.


Unfortunately this hasn't happened and if it hasn't by now, I think it won't happen. Lack of pride in his performance. IMO when one fails so miserably one really should fall on one's sword, metaphorically speaking.
Ch 502 on Fox sports dragons reserve grade playing live V Raiders


If anyone had any doubts regarding the team and club being split into 2 separate factions/camps then yesterday's inept performance should put any doubts to bed. Even the happy go lucky I don't have a care in the world player Jack Bird on numerous occasions gave his own players a mouthful. Coaches are measured by their success on the field, just measured on this Griffin needs to be advised that his services are no longer required. I'll discipline, lack of communication and poor skill sets need to be addressed, you cannot miss 40 - 50 tackles a game consistently or complete your possessions under 80% to be a competitive team in this competition. But most importantly the current culture of our club and teams needs priority, starting from the inept unqualified board members down to support staff. No new coach is going to fix the rabble we have been allowed to become since the infamous BBQ unless he is given free reign to make the necessary changes and hard decisions. I indicated back in 2021 that just relying on my own experiences playing and coaching RL (albeit not at NRL 1st grade level) in the last 50 yrs that we would not have a competitive top 8 team until 2025 unfortunately it would appear my prediction may well come to fruition

Chris M

If anyone had any doubts regarding the team and club being split into 2 separate factions/camps then yesterday's inept performance should put any doubts to bed. Even the happy go lucky I don't have a care in the world player Jack Bird on numerous occasions gave his own players a mouthful. Coaches are measured by their success on the field, just measured on this Griffin needs to be advised that his services are no longer required. I'll discipline, lack of communication and poor skill sets need to be addressed, you cannot miss 40 - 50 tackles a game consistently or complete your possessions under 80% to be a competitive team in this competition. But most importantly the current culture of our club and teams needs priority, starting from the inept unqualified board members down to support staff. No new coach is going to fix the rabble we have been allowed to become since the infamous BBQ unless he is given free reign to make the necessary changes and hard decisions. I indicated back in 2021 that just relying on my own experiences playing and coaching RL (albeit not at NRL 1st grade level) in the last 50 yrs that we would not have a competitive top 8 team until 2025 unfortunately it would appear my prediction may well come to fruition
Surely even Ben Hunt can understand that Hook just hasn't gotten the wins required. If we make it as simple as that and forget about the illegal BBQs, ill discipline, infighting, dud signings and etc. Hook just hasn't gotten the minimum required results.


Surely even Ben Hunt can understand that Hook just hasn't gotten the wins required. If we make it as simple as that and forget about the illegal BBQs, ill discipline, infighting, dud signings and etc. Hook just hasn't gotten the minimum required results.
This is my personal views, the coach has not been allowed to recruit the players we need. There are 3 main reasons that I have deduced is the cause. Reason 1 salary cap issues, Reason 2 the current club and team culture and I'll discipline. Reason 3 there is no known liaison / relationship between our board or our coach with any current player managers. Until these issues are actually dealt with our once feared and famous club will be just making up the numbers in the greatest rugby league competition in the world

Chris M

This is my personal views, the coach has not been allowed to recruit the players we need. There are 3 main reasons that I have deduced is the cause. Reason 1 salary cap issues, Reason 2 the current club and team culture and I'll discipline. Reason 3 there is no known liaison / relationship between our board or our coach with any current player managers. Until these issues are actually dealt with our once feared and famous club will be just making up the numbers in the greatest rugby league competition in the world
You tend to give him the benefit of the doubt. In some cases you are probably right. In others, I think it's his fault.


Anyone who makes it as a 1st grade coach has to be given some credit.
He's had a really good career as a coach. A lot of people say he built the Penrith team of the last few years. Hard to argue if you look at who he recruited and brought into the NRL. I was really excited when we signed him.

But he's failed miserably. His record is worse than McGregor and Price. The only young player he's brought into the NRL is Couchman. If he didn't rate our juniors, fair enough but he should have recruited young players who would be in the NRL now rather than has beens like Burgess, Woods, McGuire and more.