
Ryles is out of the picture now, who's left? We know our illustrious board and management hasn't approached Hasler or Flanno, so leaves Hornby and Young. Which way do you think they'll jump?
What I know for certain is that Illusion Illusion predicted this some months ago.
  • The club would go all in for ______________.
  • Negotiations drag out.
  • It's all but done.
  • The deal falls over.
  • Needing to act urgently, the club appoints Dean Young.
At the time I considered it a not very funny joke. Now it looks like the joke is on me.


SGI Jersey Flegg
What I know for certain is that Illusion Illusion predicted this some months ago.
  • The club would go all in for ______________.
  • Negotiations drag out.
  • It's all but done.
  • The deal falls over.
  • Needing to act urgently, the club appoints Dean Young.
At the time I considered it a not very funny joke. Now it looks like the joke is on me.
Eric let's hope I'm wrong ...... This club is completely F**KED .......


Yep, back to the old drawing board. Well done useless FO. We will remain the butt of jokes for now. Surely those nongs will now have to reconsider rejects Hasler or Flanno. Better off with an experienced coach rather than a rookie.
Flanno or Hasler would have been my first choices. It seemed obvious to me. But now along with Dean Young and Hornby, the DT is talking about John Morris.


Ryles is to be appointed for a four year term that includes performance hurdles in year three and four which will require the team to reach specific benchmarks.
As part of the negotiations, Ryles insisted that ultimate control of the football department must rest with the head coach in order to avoid interference from external factors. Ryles is said to be conscious of the issues that have hampered the club’s performance in recent years, therefore, ensuring that the football department has total control of football related matters, such as recruitment and retention, was a fierce priority for Ryles. (League Initiative)
This crowd just lost their credibility.


Apparently Roosters power brokers told Ryles ''to steer clear of the Dragons''. Expect that was after they showed him the door. Ryles told News Corp, which appears to have broken the story, that he'd have come here if there had been any club other than the Storm after his services.
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John Morris: Took Sharks to 7th '19, 8th '20. Not too shabby. He must have requested a release in '21 as surely you dont sack a coach if he makes the finals two years running.
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