
The saga continues. First it was
  1. 'how terrible' and then,
  2. 'players were on holidays so it's ok'
  3. now it's terrible again.
This is a comedy! I know jodragon40 jodragon40 said it a while ago. At time I wasn't so sure but now I'm sure. Griffin has lost the dressing room. The players can't even stand to be at the same function as Griffin. Except of course Ben Hunt.....
I don't know it to be true but I have a feeling Ben Hunt isn't popular among the rest of the players either.


I don't know it to be true but I have a feeling Ben Hunt isn't popular among the rest of the players either.
Said the same elsewhere ...... the Hook and Hunt love affair is sickening ......
I think you are both right. Ben Hunt, as far as I know was easy to get along with but the 3 way love affair of Young-Griffin and Hunt seems to have rubbed a number of players the wrong way. I must admit, I think the players are justified in feeling the way they do. Especially Sullivan should be seething at the way he has been treated and talked to and about publicly.

Craig Young telling him hand around as Hunt's understudy for another 3 years is patently ridiculous.


The saga continues. First it was
  1. 'how terrible' and then,
  2. 'players were on holidays so it's ok'
  3. now it's terrible again.
This is a comedy! I know jodragon40 jodragon40 said it a while ago. At time I wasn't so sure but now I'm sure. Griffin has lost the dressing room. The players can't even stand to be at the same function as Griffin. Except of course Ben Hunt.....
I did say some months ago not only the team but the club. Unfortunately I was right


SGI Jersey Flegg
Flanagan going to Manly as assistant. Craig Young will be happy. Everything is pointing to his son being parachuted in as "a savior". So next year Griffin will be sacked and the Dragons will collect the spoon. In 2024 with Dean Young as head coach, the club will end up in 15th place so Craig Young and Webb will say the team is improving and extend Dean Young for 3 years. Then when results don't improve significantly or at all, the club must back the coach because he is signed long term and the club can't afford to pay him out.


Flanagan going to Manly as assistant. Craig Young will be happy. Everything is pointing to his son being parachuted in as "a savior". So next year Griffin will be sacked and the Dragons will collect the spoon. In 2024 with Dean Young as head coach, the club will end up in 15th place so Craig Young and Webb will say the team is improving and extend Dean Young for 3 years. Then when results don't improve significantly or at all, the club must back the coach because he is signed long term and the club can't afford to pay him out.
What a nightmare! Special interests using the RL team as merely a front has taken over this club.


Flanagan's move to Manly is official. I wanted him as head coach but in his pathways position or roster management position, he seems to not have been doing a good job. In fact, seems to be doing such a bad job as to be sabotaging the club from the inside knowing he was going to be coaching elsewhere. One would think the same as Head-Knock Young but I think he's just suffering brain damage. While Griffin really doesn't care about anything except securing good deals for Hunt and McCullough.


We as fans wanted Flanno as head coach, any one over Griffin but fear the faction of Young, Doust and their hangers on did not. Yet again Flanno may have seen how toxic the club culture had become and wanted out. Hey guys, if Dean Young is heading our way in '24, lets back him .. if he fouls up then bash him. He has done his apprenticeship and may surprise us all and turn out to be our best coach since Bennett.


Flanagan's move to Manly is official. I wanted him as head coach but in his pathways position or roster management position, he seems to not have been doing a good job. In fact, seems to be doing such a bad job as to be sabotaging the club from the inside knowing he was going to be coaching elsewhere. One would think the same as Head-Knock Young but I think he's just suffering brain damage. While Griffin really doesn't care about anything except securing good deals for Hunt and McCullough.
As Illusion Illusion has pointed out, Albert may not be as dumb or senile as people think. He is playing it perfectly to parachute Dean Young in as the 'savior' and set the old boys up for another 3~4 years at least.
We as fans wanted Flanno as head coach, any one over Griffin but fear the faction of Young, Doust and their hangers on did not. Yet again Flanno may have seen how toxic the club culture had become and wanted out. Hey guys, if Dean Young is heading our way in '24, lets back him .. if he fouls up then bash him. He has done his apprenticeship and may surprise us all and turn out to be our best coach since Bennett.
He hasn't done his apprenticeship! He needs to be head coach elsewhere first. No more old boy rookie coaches! They bring nothing but misery time and time again.


As Illusion Illusion has pointed out, Albert may not be as dumb or senile as people think. He is playing it perfectly to parachute Dean Young in as the 'savior' and set the old boys up for another 3~4 years at least.

He hasn't done his apprenticeship! He needs to be head coach elsewhere first. No more old boy rookie coaches! They bring nothing but misery time and time again.
So it's settled! Craig Young is either brain damaged or a sneaky, lying, ruthless *?>=)%$ only in it for the good if his own family. This episode with Brett Pedo Finch suggests to me it's the first of those.


SGI Jersey Flegg
Did I hear that Nathan Brown is on the verge of taking over from Flanno if he is released ...... I don't really know what Flanno did anyway ...... Someone fill me in thanks

Chris M

Did I hear that Nathan Brown is on the verge of taking over from Flanno if he is released ...... I don't really know what Flanno did anyway ...... Someone fill me in thanks
I'm not sure either. He was supposed to be bringing young players through the juniors and into first grade.


Unfortunately for Craig Young who does bleed red and white he made a mistake in using the club letterhead in giving Finch a character reference. Knowing 1st hand what the judge would have believed that Young was not only speaking personally but had the backing of the said business this would have given more weight to the said character reference. This will be enough for the club to replace him. This in turn will put to an end his sons chances of coaching the team. Hook is a deadman walking. There is no way in our current predicament that next season will see any improvement, in fact I can see us finishing between 12th and 17th. We shouldn't get the spoon but won't be too far away. To a 50 yr plus supporter of the club this is unacceptable.

Chris M

Unfortunately for Craig Young who does bleed red and white he made a mistake in using the club letterhead in giving Finch a character reference. Knowing 1st hand what the judge would have believed that Young was not only speaking personally but had the backing of the said business this would have given more weight to the said character reference. This will be enough for the club to replace him. This in turn will put to an end his sons chances of coaching the team. Hook is a deadman walking. There is no way in our current predicament that next season will see any improvement, in fact I can see us finishing between 12th and 17th. We shouldn't get the spoon but won't be too far away. To a 50 yr plus supporter of the club this is unacceptable.
Where are you now?


About to visit Guernsey in the Channel Isles. Then London for a couple of days then off to watch the Kangaroos play Italy at St Helens. Then 3 nights in Paris then home via Dubai.
We need back ASAP to give several front office staff an almighty baking and send them on their way. They might be getting even worse.