Recruitment and Retention for 2024


SGI Jersey Flegg
Do you think Egan will be ready sometime this season? He's 21! I had the idea he was only 19 this year. He'd better be ready soon or will never be ready.
This may be an unpopular opinion, hopefully he proves me wrong, but in my opinion we have better and bigger, yeah he is whole hearted etc, local junior, will give his all for the jersey but to me there is something missing, i just think he is too small, i read that he was 182cm and 95kg, which i don't believe he is that tall, i remember when we played StHelens last year in Wollongong, he was warming up in front of the grandstand that i was sitting at and i thought who is this 1/2back, even on Saturday watching him tackle, didn't miss one (as per stats) but it seemed to me that he gets dragged when he makes contact doesn't stop the players in his tracks, in attack he gets dominated, i'd like to see him play more KOE cup before we give him a debut.


This may be an unpopular opinion, hopefully he proves me wrong, but in my opinion we have better and bigger, yeah he is whole hearted etc, local junior, will give his all for the jersey but to me there is something missing, i just think he is too small, i read that he was 182cm and 95kg, which i don't believe he is that tall, i remember when we played StHelens last year in Wollongong, he was warming up in front of the grandstand that i was sitting at and i thought who is this 1/2back, even on Saturday watching him tackle, didn't miss one (as per stats) but it seemed to me that he gets dragged when he makes contact doesn't stop the players in his tracks, in attack he gets dominated, i'd like to see him play more KOE cup before we give him a debut.
Thanks for being honest even if it isn't what we want to hear.


This may be an unpopular opinion, hopefully he proves me wrong, but in my opinion we have better and bigger, yeah he is whole hearted etc, local junior, will give his all for the jersey but to me there is something missing, i just think he is too small, i read that he was 182cm and 95kg, which i don't believe he is that tall, i remember when we played StHelens last year in Wollongong, he was warming up in front of the grandstand that i was sitting at and i thought who is this 1/2back, even on Saturday watching him tackle, didn't miss one (as per stats) but it seemed to me that he gets dragged when he makes contact doesn't stop the players in his tracks, in attack he gets dominated, i'd like to see him play more KOE cup before we give him a debut.
I hope he hasn't been reading the newspapers about himself, that's no help. What I have seen of him he can certainly tackle. In fact in all the highlights of him I've never seen him miss any. I'd say without looking his tackling efficiency rating would put him up there with our best, if not our best.
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SGI Jersey Flegg
This may be an unpopular opinion, hopefully he proves me wrong, but in my opinion we have better and bigger, yeah he is whole hearted etc, local junior, will give his all for the jersey but to me there is something missing, i just think he is too small, i read that he was 182cm and 95kg, which i don't believe he is that tall, i remember when we played StHelens last year in Wollongong, he was warming up in front of the grandstand that i was sitting at and i thought who is this 1/2back, even on Saturday watching him tackle, didn't miss one (as per stats) but it seemed to me that he gets dragged when he makes contact doesn't stop the players in his tracks, in attack he gets dominated, i'd like to see him play more KOE cup before we give him a debut.
182cm is the biggest (or smallest) concern. Only so much bulk to put on that frame.


SGI Jersey Flegg
182cm is the biggest (or smallest) concern. Only so much bulk to put on that frame.
Just checked. 182cm is a bit short compared to the best second rowers. Might need to grow a couple more cms to become a really good second rower.

The stats the club provides are often a bit dated. He might have grown a bit since then and might grow a bit more.

Chris M

Just checked. 182cm is a bit short compared to the best second rowers. Might need to grow a couple more cms to become a really good second rower.

The stats the club provides are often a bit dated. He might have grown a bit since then and might grow a bit more.
Liam Martin, current NSW and Aus second rower is 183cm and Nanai from NQ is 186. I reckon with the right diet, Egan might grow another 2~3cm. The idea weight for second rowers seems to be a bit over 100kg. Because all the best ones play for 80min. To be too big isn't helpful. I think 184~185cm is almost the perfect height for a second rower to pack on the right amount of muscle to weigh a bit over 100kg.


SGI Jersey Flegg
Liam Martin, current NSW and Aus second rower is 183cm and Nanai from NQ is 186. I reckon with the right diet, Egan might grow another 2~3cm. The idea weight for second rowers seems to be a bit over 100kg. Because all the best ones play for 80min. To be too big isn't helpful. I think 184~185cm is almost the perfect height for a second rower to pack on the right amount of muscle to weigh a bit over 100kg.
I don't go on that too much , about height , weight , yep it does help but if you have the ticker and not afraid , he or wo ever will make it ........


I don't go on that too much , about height , weight , yep it does help but if you have the ticker and not afraid , he or wo ever will make it ........
The old saying is still very relevant, " It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.


This is interesting. I guess Flanno is talking the right talk. But it seems after just one trial game, the knives for Kyle are coming out already.
I mentioned elsewhere in another post when his signature was confirmed and his position and role within the team was decided. I said at that time his statistics were extremely poor and worrying, but more importantly he was coming from a culture of ill discipline and lack of success. A few losses in a row and don't be surprised if he falls back into those bad habits, alternatively a few wins does wonders for a player and teams confidence